A few days ago
Babar R

Did the scientific method help make discoveries?

Did the scientific method help make discoveries?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s certainly helped to make fun homework problems!

As a scientist, I encourage you to apply the scientific method to this assignment. Maybe you’ll learn something rather than just waiting for somebody to write your essay for you. 🙂

For starters, have you tried Googling? It’s one thing to ask a specific question and show what you’ve tried so far that didn’t work, it’s quite another to ask a totally open-ended question like this.

For example, if you asked, “Can you help me find more specific examples of discoveries that would not have been possible without the scientific method? I’ve already come up with the following 3 on my own, they are X Y and Z” then I suspect you’d get a lot of good feedback!