A few days ago

debate?? poverty in Africa??

ok, so im writting a 1AC, and its my first case, and my topic is poverty in sub saharian africa. the resolution is resolved: the USFG should substantially increase its public health care assistance to sub saharan africa. tonight i need 5 harms cards! what does that mean? why is poverty in africa not good? what it is causing? please help. i know this sounds weird, but yeah…i would really appriciate it if you offered your help. THANKS!! :]]

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
don’t plagiarize

Favorite Answer

its not good because people get hungry and starve to death

5 years ago
Climate change.It happens naturally but lately humans have been pumping the CO2 that has been absorbed by plants 600 million years ago.The sun is getting older and with this the earth needs less CO2 as the sun gets brighter and warmer.If the sun were to suddenly go back to 200 million years in age the earth’s temperature will drop by 10 degrees or more at least.So more CO2 in the past less needed now.Global Warming today is caused by humans burning all that trapped CO2 from the past which will increase the temperature of the planet in a short period of time.Animals and plants can adapt but when these changes occur in time scales of decades at is too little time maybe centuries of thousands of years is good by temperature changes of 6 degrees of more over decades have caused one the worst mass extinctions on the planet.For poverty that is the government’s problem.