A few days ago

Critical analysis help? (Lord of the Flies)?

I have a 7page critical analysis of LOTF due in two days, and I’m just starting it. (Bad on my part, I know). But anyway, the teacher is really strict about the format and everything, so I was wondering if you could help me with the intro paragraph?

(Not including the thesis: I can do that myself)

The thesis has to do with the weakness of virtue at the force of destruction. Help?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Keegan R

Favorite Answer

sounds like your in my 2nd hour

ms. hoffman tshs?



4 years ago
I completely examine this e book. ok so, their deaths relate to violence because of the fact on the begining of the e book all the youngsters are exceptionally united yet they slowlly start to dispand. Ralph is basiccly the only one that, via the tip of the story, hasnt grew to become evil. Piggys and simons demise instruct how the lads on the island have grew to become evil and how violence has taken over their lives.