could i get into UCLA? any input?
california resident
4.08 GPA
3.8 unweighted
2070 SAT
700 math 2
720 french
700 lit
took 3 APs junior year, 3 senior year
work experience: 6 months at a boutique 4-6 hours a week
poll working at presidential election
babysitting 3-4 hours a week when applicable
filing for my dad’s company (for 6 months, 1-2 hours a week)
national hispanic recognition scholar
california scholarship federation
principal’s distinction
annual canned food drive at school, 4-6 hours a week for a month
2 weeks in mexico (mission trip)
2 years of ASB leadership, 1 year as an officer of student-teacher relations committee
students for barack obama co-president
dance for 3 years, 4 hours a week
track and field all 4 years of high school
what do you guys think? any input would be appreciated!
Favorite Answer
Really, you had a “Student’s for Barack Obama” club?
Take this from a fellow 17 y/o UCLA applicant, but why are so many young people naive and always voting democratic. Please tell me why he was the better choice. Please, email me, I want to know.
i have two sisters whove gone to ucla
and also your major matters, economic bckround and ethnic group but ya
good job! i have a 3.4 gpa but took 5 college classes, 2140, sat1
and 710 math2, eng 670, phys, 650, 11 aps and worked since 9th (poor parents π ) just applied i dont think i got in
but i dont want to go to college anywhoooooose
lol good luck
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