Chances of getting into these colleges:?
Sat scores fo rthe last two times:
710 writing
650 math
670 crti reading
780 writing
750 math
630 CR ( i was pretty surprised)
The only thing im worried is my critical reading score. They do look at the highest section scores ruight? Because then I have a combined score of 2200.
My GPA is 99.65 out of 100 and my rank should be about 8 or 9 out of 500 students.
My extra-curriculars are alot. Ive been president of Interact Club (rotary international) for the past 2 years, IM co-president of Cultural Awareness Club (i was born in india). I am a news writer fo rshcool newspaper,in french club, a peer tutor and much more. Ive volunteered SO MUCH because of INteract CLub. I volunteer alot during the summers too esp. at hospitals (one being in India). I also
I wrote my essay already about my passion for dancing and how it helps me in so many areas of my life.
I just wanna know what my chances are of getting into NYU, Columbia, UPenn, GWU, & JHU
Favorite Answer
The thing you have to remember is that being qualified and getting in are two different things. Harvard, for example, only accepts 8% of its applicants. If we assume that half the applicants are qualified (and I suspect that it is more) then they reject 84% of the qualified applicants.
Columbia and Penn are almost as selective as Harvard. NYU and JHU are only a little less selective. GWU is close behind them. I would be surprised if you didn’t get into some of those schools.
You need to make yourself stand out. Everyone always talks about extracurriculars. But they are easy to fake and hard to verify. Therefore, make sure you have a great essay and interview. They will be critical.
Good luck.
Seriously, no one has any way of knowing what “percentage” chance to have of getting into those schools. Just look at their median GPA, SAT/ACT scores and see where you are in relation to those. You could still match their scores and not get in.
over 100 admissions mentors at colleges all across the country,,you can actually see their test scores,and you dont need to be applying to their school to use them as a mentor.
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