A few days ago

Can you explain homonyms to me ?

And give me some examples ?

I’m Confused ='(

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same way, but have different meanings depending on how they are used. Some examples would include:

pool a body of water

pool the game

cross bad humor

cross to cut at a 90 degree angle

cross two pieces of wood joined at a 90 degree angle

sink to submerge

sink a fixture that holds water

maid a female domestic employee

maid an unmarrried girl

bat a flying mammal

bat a wooden club used in certain sports


A few days ago
B. D Mac
A word that sounds the same,or is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Some examples are:

No (Opposite of yes) & Know (Has Knowledge of)

Foe (Enemy) & Faux (Fake)

Trunk (Elephant’s Nose) &

Trunk (Large Packing Case for Clothing or Storage)

Deer (Animal) and Dear (Formof Endearment)

Passable (Can Pass Through) &

Passible (Capableof Feeling or Suffering)

Secrete (Generate Fluid From a Gland or Organ &

Secret (To Hide Something)

These are just a few examples there are many.


A few days ago
Homonyms are two words that have the same sound and often the same spelling, but they have different meanings. Example: bear–a critter…or a word meaning to carry…and to this you could also add bare–meaning naked.

A few days ago

ad add

aisle I’ll isle

be bee

ant aunt

Homonyms–two words spelled and pronounced the same with two different meaning


right–opposite of left


A few days ago
homo means “same” nym means “name”

so it’s words that are spelled or pronounced the same but have different meanings, like

I can’t bear to sleep in a tent with a bear.

After you walk through the brush, you have to brush your pants off.

These are homographs (same spelling)

A Homophone (same sound) is like made/maid

The maid made the beds

These are also homonyms. (but not homographs)


A few days ago
Homophone: Two words, two definitions, but the same pronunciation (“Pay the fare to get to the fair”).

Homonym: One word, two definitions and one pronunciation (“I saw the saw”).

Homograph: One word, different definitions and different pronunciations (“I contest the contest results”).


A few days ago
One of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning, such as bank (embankment) and bank (place where money is kept).

A few days ago
when a person loves someone else of the same sex.


“omg did you see ryan french kiss andy? i never knew they were homonyms!!!!!!!”


A few days ago
two different words that sound the same

sine and sign

tire and tyre

tier and tear

stair and stare

there and their and they’re


A few days ago
Del Piero 10