A few days ago

can u help me with Spanish direct object prounouns?

how do i do this: Oye Victor, ? _____ ayudas a buscar información en la internet para mi tarea de historia?

* how do i no what DOP to put in there?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you should put “tu”….why? ok,the verb in this sentence is ayudar………but notice the end is “as”,which is the same ending for the pronoun “tu”.

here is a list of the endings for ar verbs :

yo (I) ——– ayudo (o)

tu (you-informal) ——– ayudas (as)

el (he)——– ayuda (a)

ella (she) —— ayuda (a)

usted (you-formal) —– ayuda (a)

nosotros (we)—— ayudamos (amos)

ellos (they for boys) ——– ayudan (an)

ellas (they for girls) ——- ayudan (an)

ustedes (they-formal)—– ayudan (an)

no,for questions that are similar to your example,the answer should be one of these pronouns ; yo,tu,el,ella,usted,nosotros,ellos,ellas,or ustedes.

so,according to the list above,the answer is “tu”.


A few days ago
Mutual Help
Oye Víctor, ¿_____ ayudas a buscar información en la Internet para mi tarea de historia?

So the answer to that blank is either:

me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, & las,

…as you said, right?

The answer is the direct object pronoun “me”.

Oye Víctor, ¿me ayudas a buscar información en la Internet para mi tarea de historia?

Hope this helps.