A few days ago

can u help me with like just 5 things please?

why do all flat maps distort the shapes of the continents and oceans?

Locate and describe three physical regions of the united states

Why is hte mississippi river such an important river?

locate and describe three climates found in the united states?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

because the earth is round

the east coast, the west coast, the great plains

Its the biggest river in the USA and it is a huge water way that allows for shipping up and down the midwest.

Dessert (dry), Rainforest(oregon, washington), tropical (hawaii, florida)


A few days ago
Mississippi is importans cuz ppl trade on it…its a Major river cuz ships can sail on it maken the routs shorter and easier..i think that is a political map u are talking about

someone might help u better i hope so


A few days ago
Hm..you do have a text book on the subject, no? Try to find the answers from the text.

A few days ago
I would but i would not know if you are trying to cheat on home work or not so i will not even try to help you…sorry.

A few days ago
i know nuts about all your questions… sorry..