A few days ago

Can someone tell me some facts about Global Warming ?

I need it for a school project.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Polar bears have been found drowned for the first time in history because they have a hard time swimming to the nearest ice berg. (They’ve melted.)

CO2 or carbon emissions are causing a major problem.

Morons who are too lazy to change their ways like to say that it’s not really a problem.

The Kyoto Protocol was signed by the US in 1998, but Bush decided that it was unnecessary and took us off of it.

Many major cities may end up under water if we don’t do something quickly.

Many cities that were built where mosquitoes didn’t go, because of global warming the bugs are now comfortable there. Malaria is now a bigger threat in lesser developed countries because of global warming.

Unplugging your appliances when you’re not using them not only helps the planet, but also saves money. Yes, energy is still wasted even when something is turned off.


A few days ago
some people believe that global warming is just a myth as the world climate goes through cycles of hot and cold periods

for example they used to grow grapes and make wine in scotland

i did a talk about global warming and i looked into the theories and how a volcano submits a large amount of harmful gas in a small amount of time

if you need opinions then i think that the global warming is just a phase and that we should be consentrating more on overpopulation, loss of natural environments such as the rainforest and how all our resources are being used up at a rate that means that in thirty years or so there will be no oil or plastic and other sources such as coal are already becoming obselite


A few days ago
Daphne Tercius
Some scientists propose that pollutants and chemicals produced by man are causing the destruction and deterioration of the ozone layer. This is a layer that serves to protect the surface of the earth from certain harmful rays of the sun.

The effect global warming is having on earth is that colder places like the Arctic are becoming warmer while traditionally warmer places are becoming cooler.

These are some that i know off the top of my head.


A few days ago
We are almost at the end of an ice age and there is natural warming. However burning of fossil fuels is not helping. The one thing that is NOT mentioned is that when the salinity of sea water changes (as it will with Greenland melt water) the gulf stream will switch off and trigger another ice age in the northern hemisphere. Have a nice day

A few days ago
Top 50 Things To Do To Stop Global Warming:



Enjoy the read & hope it helps 🙂


A few days ago
You must be taking a “Religions of the World” class.

There are theories about Global Warming, not facts.


A few days ago
Beyond natural warming that melted the ice ages before industrialization, Al Gore’s version is a big fib.

A few days ago
cars, AC, plastic bags, not recycling, fossil fuel(gas), etc.

type in global warming on yahoo. bet u will find more. lol.


A few days ago
Sure! Either it’s a total load of garbage or we’re all gonna die because people are too dumb to solve the problem!

A few days ago
Here are a couple of good links….Good luck!