A few days ago

Can someone help me with some English?

Well, not exactly English but I’m writing an autobiography about one part of my memory. I’m confused on what language I use.

Should I keep saying, “I, me, my” along the way? Alright I’m stuck on how to say it. I need to know what kind of language you should use to write an autobiography. If possible, please write an example! That would definitely help me!

Thanks a bunch!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Some dude

Favorite Answer

You can use first person if you like, or there’s nothing that says third person wouldn’t be acceptable for an autobiography (second person would be a bit confusing though, I think 😉 ). First person example:

“I made the long walk home from school. When I got there my mother mother was waiting for me outside. She told me me that she had something important to talk to me about. I was surpised. My mother never told me any of the big event so the household.”

Okay so my little example is kinda chokey, but you get what I’m saying. Reusing “I – Me – My” is okay when writing about yourself.


A few days ago
In an autobiography, you’re writing about yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using first person. I cannot imagine why your teacher wouldn’t have clearly addressed this with your class. I urge you to take another lesson away from this question/answer experience — ASK YOUR TEACHER QUESTIONS!!! Particularly when you don’t fully understand an assignment. One of the most important things you can do in school is to ask questions.

A few days ago
Willy M
If you’re writing an autobiography then i’m pretty sure it’s okay to use first person along the way.

You can always talk in third person, but then you lose that intricate connection with the reader.


A few days ago
If it’s an autobiography, then yes, you should use words like I, me, and my. Try not to start your sentences with them all the time though. It’s rediculously redundant and teachers/professors really don’t like it.

For example.

I went for a walk with my dog.

Rex was looking anxious so I plucked the leash off the hook on the wall and we went for a long trek through the woods.

See what I mean?


A few days ago
If you are writing an autobiography on yourself then you need to keep it in first person (I, me, my, we, us, our). If you are writing about someone else then you put in third person (him, her, they, them).

A few days ago
if you are comfortable using the english language, then, go ahead and use it. there are many ways to minimize using I,ME, MY. example. “many years ago, i was……………….