A few days ago

can someone give me a sentence using the word WARILY??

can someone give me a sentence using the word WARILY??

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Robber walked Warily around the corner in case a security guard was there,

4 years ago
Warily In A Sentence

6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

can someone give me a sentence using the word WARILY??


A few days ago
The young girl warily responded to the IM from the unknown sender.

5 years ago
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/DOlyz

The poem “The Tiger”, by William Blake, and the novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, are connected because they both describe important symbols within each text with a similar paradox. In “The Tiger”, the paradoxical description of the tiger is that it is astonishingly beautiful, but is also horrifying due to its violence. As a parallel to this, in Fahrenheit 451, fire is described in a paradoxical manner.Throughout the book, fire is described as beautiful, yet also destructive. For example on page 145, Bradbury wrote, “The fire was there and he approached warily, from a long way off… a strange fire because it meant a different thing to him. It was not burning; it was warming”. Montag is surprised to see that fire is doing something good for these people, instead of burning books, houses, and people, like he has always known it to do. The seemingly contradictory description of the fire in Fahrenheit 451 relates to the description of the tiger in Blake’s poem because both works use an important symbol (the tiger and fire) to represents beauty and destruction at once. You are welcome. Usually I never edit people’s work on here, because most people try to pass of editing as “doing my homework,” but obviously you needed some real help editing. The problem was that before you were using the word paradox as a noun, making the sentence sound off. You aren’t exactly talking about a paradox in terms of a noun, but rather the contradictory/paradoxical way the authors described both symbols (adverbs)


A few days ago
The long tailed cat warily padded through the room full of rocking chairs.

A few days ago
This must be answered warily, in case there is a trick to it.

A few days ago
I warily walked home from school.

A few days ago
Tread warily if you’re walking across a minefield!

A few days ago
We glanced at the black clouds warily, hoping we could get home before it stormed.