A few days ago

Can somebody describe the Navigation Acts of 1660? Best answer = 10pts.?

It’s for a project..needs to be around 15-20 sentences. Thanks!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

In English history, a series of laws designed to restrict England’s carrying trade to English ships, effective chiefly in the 17th and 18th centuries. The measures, originally framed to encourage the development of English shipping so that adequate auxiliary vessels would be available in wartime, became a form of trade protectionism during an era of mercantilism.



Navigation Acts

More on Navigation Acts from Fact Monster:


Open the above link read about 4 paragraphs SCROLL down to ;

More on Navigation Acts from Fact Monster:

navigate the reading material and then write 15 or 20 sentences in YOUR words. If you copy anything verbatim be sure to cite it/give credit so as not to create plagiarism.

USE caution when writing anything

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

There is NO documentation and most teachers won’t accept it.


A few days ago
“The Navigation Acts were passed by the English Parliament in the seventeenth century. The Acts were originally aimed at excluding the Dutch from the profits made by English trade. The mercantilist theory behind the Navigation Acts assumed that world trade was fixed and the colonies existed for the parent country.”

It’s a direct quote from this website:



A few days ago
Do not copy it, but read it and place some of the thoughts into your own words. Treat is as if a friend told you a story and you were retelling it to another friend.
