A few days ago

Biology homework quite easy !!?

Can u give me 1 or 2 cells in the human body(that isnt red blood cell or sperm cell) and tell me why they are adapted to their jobs. If you can in a bit of detail!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No problem. #1- White blood cells. They are adapted to combat foreign bodies that enter the system, such as viruses and bacteria. #2- The receptor cells in your brain. They are coded to interact with certain chemical compounds in certain ways. This is why people get addicted to different drugs. The receptor cells command the release of pleasure stimulating chemicals within the body. The artificial chemicals (drugs) force an unnaturally large release of the pleasure chemicals.

A few days ago
Stem cells-change to what ever they need to be. They are found in early-developing human embryos and in bone marrow. They take on the job and type of what ever they are near. That is why you always hear of bone-marrow transplants for cancer patients. The stem cells grow into whatever type of cell that the patient is deficcient in.

A few days ago
White blood cells. They’re cells in the blood that fight infection as part of the immune system.

A few days ago
Brain cells…this is an easy one….tells the rest of the body what to do.

4 years ago
the mum has xx chromosomes and the daddy has xy chromosomes.the baby takes a million chromosomes from the mum and a million from the daddy,so the opportunities are xx,xx,xy,xy. this provides a 50% danger of having a boy.