A few days ago

what are americas core political values and how well historically and currently have these values been maintan

what are americas core political values and how well historically and currently have these values been maintan

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Will B

Favorite Answer

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Except what the administration, pick any one, thinks of as liberty may not be what I think.

Representational democracy, so far so good.

Minimal government interference in our lives – or keep out of your lives. Not so good, and eroding. This is all about civil liberties, women’s health rights (abortion), free speech, etc. and at the moment we are losing rights that we had 10 years ago, and didn’t have 50 years ago, so things change.

Easy answer – look at the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, and see where we are on each one. Overall, we are doing OK, and compared to many other nations, we have kept our core values intact for 200 + years after throwing off the yoke of British Tyranny.


A few days ago
Here — a place to start your research.


Try and do the work yourself .. this is obviously an assignment. We should not DO it for you!