A few days ago

Are people here supposed to DO other people’s homework? Should we report the person who’s asking for that?

I have no idea if that’s against the rules, it seems to me it’s not very honest.

Some people here must be getting very good grades at school but not learning anything.

In my case, I’m particularly talking about the Languages forum. I imagine it happens the same in other subjects.


Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You are right. They are not supposed to get their homework done in here. But, there are some sincere cases where they are genuinely stuck. Those are the only cases I help out. Also, I wouldn’t do the whole problrm either…just give them some guidelines

You can tell if a person is lazy and just wants others to do his/her homework when you see a question. Either ALL the questions are asked, or one question after another (having similar concepts).

That is cheating, and I hope people discourage them


A few days ago
I don’t think they need to be reported, but cheating definitely goes on here.

I think there is a distinction between the people who want their work done for them, and the people who just need advice. For example, I just answered a question about how to reduce the usage of “but” in writing, and how to avoid contradictions. I don’t think there was anything wrong with that question. I also recently saw someone who was offering a fabulous 10 point prize to anyone who could analyze and write a report about a book. The difference between helpful advice, and cheating has to be made clear.

I guess what I’m saying is that asking for advice, or for examples of a problem is fine…it’s just when they ask for an entire assignment to be done that there is a problem. Most people ignore that anyway.


A few days ago
People who just type the question from their book really get me. They don’t even think of a rephrasing of the dang question. “Compare and contrast…” As if. Now, the people who are genuinely stuck on a math problem and you can tell they tried to do it but can’t get it, I would answer those people, if I didn’t suck at math, too! It’s one thing to help someone out who is stuck or lost , but another to actually just give them the answer.

A few days ago
It depends one what the long-term goal is of the asker.

If it is to become a more well-rounded person by learning, then they are going about it wrong.

If it is to compete successfully for grades, which grades do nothing but measure a person’s resourcefulness, not his or her well-roundedness, then they should milk this resource (and any other they can) for all it’s worth.

Go Capitalism!


A few days ago
Bottom Line:

Some people need help with homework others don’t.

Some are lazy, some work their butts off.

Some cheat, some don’t.

Cheating can/does occur with the computer and without it.


You have to decide to or not to help.

I sometimes help,

sometimes help a little


sometimes not at all.


A few days ago
Olga M
I haven’t came across with anything like it, but if I do, I’ll try to help the best I can without doing the homework:-)) It ‘s really up to you to give them the answers or explain the question and let them think through it.:-)

A few days ago
You’ve got it exactly right.

That’s why I point people in a direction, not type in an answer so I can feel smug about knowing something.

Giving answers cripples the person asking the question.


A few days ago
If I can answers, then I do. Unless of course its like “hey write my research paper for me.”

I say they’ll learn their lesson on their own, not by having people here telling them to do their own work. So, by answering I get points and by using my answer, they are digging a deeper hole, which will eventually teach them to do their work on their own.


A few days ago
Joe G
Oh come on…. just help them out. If something is going to be ruined, then it is THEIR education. THEY pay the price in the long run. But these questions tend to be only one or two at a time, so give the kids a break and help them out.

Perhaps their teachers are lousy, you never know!


A few days ago
i don’t think they should be reported – idk if it’s against the rules or not, either.

but i do agree, if i think someone is looking for homework answers, i don’t answer.

altho now that i think about it, they may have no other place to get help, and as long as they’re only asking for an example, and not answers to a whole assignment or to have a whole paper written, that should be ok.

ok – guess i’m on the fence, here — OW!!