A few days ago

AP Euro? What is the relationship between church and state in the middle ages?

(the relationship between politics and religion).

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Kobie D

Favorite Answer

Extremely close. The church had a central in determining how a state was run. The local bishop had much power and the pope had almost absolute power (excommunication) even with monarchs

i.e crusades, indulgences, etc


A few days ago
Jude & Cristen H
That’s a difficult question because it varies by region. In the eastern part of Europe there was no distinction between church and state, as Greek Christianity maintained the ancient world’s notion of a unity between the religious and secular spheres.

In the West it was more complicated. The Roman Catholic Church crowned kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire (which was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire). At the same time, the Church insisted on its independence from the state on the appointment of bishops and other church offices. That became known as the lay investiture controversy, made famous in England most especially, and eventually leading England out of the Roman Church in the 1500’s.