A few days ago

AP classes/ honor classes?

AP classes/ honor classes?

AP classes/ honor classes?

I took all honors and ap classes and I am a freshman in high school, I have a week until school starts do you think that I can change it and if the counsellors will let me so I have the right schedule for the first day of school? It’s just that the classes will get too stressful for me, even though I had a 4.0 GPA in middle school. I would like to drop the honors/ap for english and history.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yea…Just go to the office and talk to the people about scheudal changes…they should let you!!

A few days ago
With your parent’s permission, they might. I would really consider it carefully. These are the classes that will determine the colleges where you may be accepted to attend, and the likelyhood of scholarships. Is the stress worth the thousands of dollars a scholarship might bring? Only you can decide. With a 4.0 in middle school, you can likely handle it. Middle school is typically the worst time in a student’s career. By the way, the AP classes will prepare you to take an exam, that if done well, will result in college credits and that will make your college years MORE FUN! πŸ™‚

Think about all the elective choices you will have by starting out H.S. with lots of ambition.


A few days ago
Jasmine [PANTHER]
They would let you, but i wouldn’t, because with a 4.0 gpa in middle school, and taking all honors and ap classes in high school, and a little bit of volunteering and sports, you can easily get a scholarship to the university or college of your choice, especially because history and english are important, i wouldn’t do that if i were you, unless your family is loaded and can afford any expensive college or university you want to go to.

A few days ago
Scott the duckling
Yeah, I’m sure they’d let you do it. They keep letting you change your schedule I think even during school, as long as it’s not too far in.

I’m taking Honors English, and that is enough for me. I don’t need anymore stress. πŸ˜€

Good luck!


A few days ago
hmm, its probably too late now, but if u ask during the school year im sure they can work something out for you. i was in 6th grade honors in middle school math, but i wanted to learn with my friends rather than those bratty kids who think they are so much better than everybody else. i asked my guidance counseler if i could change my schedule and she said it was alright. this year, im rollin’ with my peeps πŸ™‚