A few days ago

Any ideas for a silent black and white film?

Im working on a project and Im stuck. I need help! Anybody have any ideas?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Experto Credo

Favorite Answer

Here’s an idea. Check out this answer for a really funny film

A few days ago
embroidery fan
A black cat watching/playing with/killing a white mouse

A mime against a black background, acting out the Rosa Parks story

A camera attached to the front of a bus, going slowly through a ghetto area

A black and a white infant/toddler meet, touch each other, make friends, play together

A white cat walking around a back yard at night, so visible but barely, only the motions; maybe playing with a person dressed in all-black so the person is invisible to the audience


A few days ago
This may seem corny….but perhaps a simple silent commentary about how human society has moved from rather simplistic rules and choices (black and white) to an astounding array of multiple choices (many shades of gray) and this leads to the complexities of modern life…where it seems harder to tell the difference between “right” and “wrong” or “good” and “bad”

So, a stick figure goes out to buy some bread. At the market, the bread or cookies. The good ones should be white/light but the “bad” ones are burnt black. No brainer…buy the light ones, right? (simplistic black and white choice)

OK, same set up…but as the white ones are quickly sold off, only burnt ones are left…..so, you zoom in and find that they aren’t all burnt “equally” and relatively, some are lighter than others…but apparently not light enough to be considered white among all the other white ones that got sold…

Show a series of buyers….using different line patterns on their clothes or hats….buying the different cookies…and taking them home to their family…and the reactions of the different families (all attired the same as the buyer) to the cookies they get.

White cookies…good reaction…..black cookies …bad reaction. (like the #2 buyer not paying attention…too busy on a cell phone…seller dumps in burn ones to get rid of them on the inattentive buyer)….

later, sequence of the “grays” and the reactions ranging from mild ho hum ok ….to well, if that’s all there is…ok….to what’s this? to why did you buy that.? … to are you crazy?!

Hope you like it. Best wishes on your project…

PS if this gets you an academy award…I don’t expect to get paid and I won’t sue you….but please just mention me when you get the award, OK?


A few days ago
Eric S
Man tries to buy & carry home too many things at once, like bags, packages, maybe even a bulky item like a lamp or a chair, maybe his dry cleaning. Maybe his wife sends him out to get things & he doesn’t have the car. He has to walk the dog too. He meets friends on the street & they keep stopping him even though he’s ready to drop things.

OK, this isn’t an original idea, but are there any really NEW ones out there?


A few days ago
Roald Ellsworth
A funny piece with happy piano music playing, all about people struggling against the wind. You could show people trying to walk into the wind, people losing their umbrellas and hats and chasing them down the street… or you could focus it all on one person, trying to get somewhere. The person loses their hat, chases it down the street and gets into all kinds of trouble, like in an old Charlie Chaplin movie. You would have to throw in a scene with a cop chase, and find someone agile for the main role.