A few days ago

answer me !!!?

okay so here is my problem i have to interview ppl for a class at school and here are the questions that need to be answered ?

1. are you a christian ?

2. do you kno what the bible is ?

3. do you believe that the bible is true ?

4.is the bible practical for today?

5.what do you believe more the bible or the news?

thanx for your help !

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. No, but I believe in some of the beauty in the learnings of the Christian beliefs.

2. Yes, of course.

3. Not per se. There are some obvious things that are contradictory in the bible. For example, one part of the bible says that your belief in the bible can protect you from being bit by a snake. That obviously isn’t true but it’s more of a symbolism. So, I believe in some truth and some symbolism along with some problems.

4. For some yes, for some no. The problem is that some groups take the bible to the extreme and turn it into a way of justifying anything that they think is right or wrong. Others I think have a good understanding of the bible and some of the great messages that it can give. Still others hold their own religious beliefs but don’t act accordingly. So there are very scattered results.

5. I believe neither to an extreme. I am a Buddhist, and my belief is as follows:

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

There is some garbage in the news and some garbage in the bible. The problem is that the news is constantly given chances to be wrong and the bible only has so many wrongs to give.


A few days ago
1. Are you a christian ? Yes, I am, go to church every Sunday

2. Do you know what the bible is ? Yes, I do

3. Do you believe that the bible is true ? Yes, every word

4. Is the bible practical for today? Not for everyone

5. What do you believe more the bible or the news? The Bible. News is too crazy and some of the stuff is just bad or stupid and not worth watching. Besides they don’t really relate to echother, but for the things that do, i pick the Bible no matter what.


A few days ago
Peggy K
1. Yes

2. Sure

3. Absolutely

4. Of course.

5. In terms of prophecy, I believe the teachings in the Bible, especially the book of Daniel. As to current events, the Bible predicts, and the local news reports it as it happens.


A few days ago
1. I folow basically Christian beliefs, but not a member of any particular faith.

2. Yes, it is a collection of stories that can be brolken into the old and new testament. The old testament is a translation of stories writtne by people thought to be prophets. the new testament is a translation of a colection of stories written by followers of a man called Jesus who they believed to be the son of God.

3. I believe it is a translation of a collection of stories that those writing them believed to be true.

4. As a general guidleine it is practical for today but not in a literal interpretation. It was written by people and for people according to what they understood at the time, with no allowance for what may be learnt since. Even stories told by Jesus, were stories he used to explain things simply to often poorly educated people and by his own admission he did not intend them all literally.

5. I believe we should question all we hear from all sources. I am inclined to believe the news more, simply as I am in a better position to make my own judgement on current affairs than events that occured thousands of years ago.


A few days ago
1. No

2. Yes

3. Parts of it

4. Yes, it gives a lot of people direction, which is a good thing.

5. A silly comparison to make. Both are retelling events after they happen, so in my opinion, they are both going to be flawed. But then, no one can retell the whole truth of any complex issue. Truth is in the eye of the beholder, and all that.


A few days ago
1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

4. yes

5. as the news may in some way be misleading, then you could say that i believe in the bible more. ..


A few days ago
Suzie Cullen
1-4 yes

5 they are both true, but the news could be wrong, the bible is Gods word so i guess you could say i believe it MORE….


A few days ago
1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

4. not really

5. news

the bible is more like an example, not a manual


A few days ago
Arvelyn A
1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

4, yes

5. I believe more in God’s words than a newscaster’s


A few days ago




they have nothing to do with eachother, like how lindsay lohan got a dui has nothing to do with the Bible