A few days ago

Another physics problem?

I’m sorry to ask another one, but I seem to be having a lot of trouble in this chapter.

A swimmer runs horizontally off a diving board with a speed of 3.62 m/s and hits the water a horizontal distance of 1.68 m from the end of the board. (a) How high above the water was the diving board? (b) If the swimmer runs off the board with a reduced speed, does it take more, less, or the same time to reach the water?

I know part b is “at the same time” but I’m confused on a.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First we know the time (T) is Horizontal distance divided by horizontal speed.

T = 1.68m/3.62m/s = 0.4641 seconds

Second calculate the vertical height using d = .5at^2

Or H = 0.5gT^2

H = 0.5*9.81*0.4641^2 = 1.056 meters


A few days ago
This is similar to the other problem, so it’s not surprising you’re having trouble with it. The thing to remember is that perpendicular vectors are (in mathematical terms) orthogonal to each other. This means that they don’t affect each other. In the absence of air resistance (and ignoring the curvature of the Earth), all the falling in the world won’t affect your horizontal speed in the least.

In that case, if the swimmer leaves the board with a horizontal speed of 3.62 m/s, then that’s his horizontal speed all the way to the water. It’s constant. At constant speed, the simple relation

s = vt

applies. So we can find the time he’s in the air quite easily:

t =- s/v = 1.68 m/3.62 m/s = .464 s

The question then is how far does one fall in .464 s? Well, vertically, the initial speed is 0. All of his initial speed was horizontal, and horizontal doesn’t affect vertical. So, we have

s = (1/2) g t^2 = (1/2) (9.80 m/s^2) (.464 s)^2 = 1.06 m

So that’s how far the board is above the water.

You’re completely right about part (b). It goes back to the particular dead horse I’ve been beating throughout this answer: horizontal speed does not affect vertical speed. Vertical acceleration does not affect horizontal speed.

Martin Gardner would call this an “Aha” experience. It can be confusing at first, but when the light goes on, you’ll wonder why you ever had trouble with it. Just hang in there – it’ll come clear.


A few days ago
Tom :: Athier than Thou
First point, horizontal speed remains constant while falling (i.e. in this case, he will travel at 3.62 m/s until he hits the water). So, as you know how fast he travelled, and how far he travelled, you can calculate how long he was in motion for.

Next, there is a formula

s = ut + ½at²

s: distance (to be calculated)

u: intial velocity (vertical velocity in this case, i.e. 0)

a: acceleration (due to gravity)

t: time (from first part)

You can just put in the numbers and it will tell you how far he travelled vertically, so how far up the diving board was.


A few days ago
Time taken in the air = 1.68/3.62 = 0.464s

Vertical initial speed = 0 m/s

So Height = 1/2gt^2 = 1/2*9.8*(0.464)^2 = 1.0549504 m


4 years ago
The lever, the pulley, and the vulnerable airplane (while you’re going up or down a hill). by the way, this question sounds greater like a try of the answerers than it particularly is a quest for expertise.