A few days ago

Another hard math problem???

Anyways, like in the last one you had to find the width of the wood stripe.

In this one you have to try to generalize to an arbitrary(have no clue what that is?!!) rectangular window frame. That is, get a formula in terms of M and N for the amount of wood stripe needed for the frame of an M by N window.

You may need to gather data about a variety of examples into an In-Out table and then look for a pattern in your data. If so, once you gather data, look for a algebraic rule that describes your table.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Mike K

Favorite Answer

This sounds pretty easy, but there isn’t enough information in this question to answer it in only terms on N and M as you’ll see below.

If a window is N by M the frame will sit on the outside of that. The ammount of wood you would need would be answered in the formula below.

Assuming that W is the width of the frame, you can make the following observations:

1: (N+W)*(M+W) is the area of large rectangle that would be made once you add in the width of the frame itself

2: N*M is the area of the window that is window and not frame.

Subtract those factors and you have the area of the frame.

((N+W)*(M+W))-(N*M) = Area of the wood frame.

Unless you know the width of the frame, you need the 3rd variable.