A few days ago

Algebra II questions. Please help?

I need help with my math work. My teacher hasnt explain anything and I looked in the book and I dont understand.

Find the slope.


3) -2/3y=1/4

7) through (4,-1) and (-2,-3)

write in point-slope form the equation of the line through each pair of points.

9) (0,1) and (3,0)

10) (1/2,2/3) and (-3/2,5/3)

write in standard form an equation of the line with the given slope through the given point.

15) slope= -4; (2,2)

16) slope= 2/5; (-1,3)

17) slope=0; (3,-4)

find the slop & the intercepts of each line/

18) 3x-4y=12

19) y=-2

20) f(x)=4/5x+7

21) x=5

write the equation for each line

22) through (-1,3) & parallet to y=2x+1

23) through (2,2) & perpendicular to y=-3/5x+2

I need help with those. You can show me how to do them && maybe I’ll understand it better. Please dont say look in the book or ask your teacher. I did && still dont get it. Those arent even half the problems i need so please help me!!!

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I kinda forget how to do these, but for number three -2/3y = 1/4, I think you just switch the -2/3 because you want to get y alone. You would multiply -2/3 with 3/2, and 1/4 with 3/2, like this:

3/2 * -2/3y = 1/4 * 3/2

That way your -2/3 cancels out. Now you you cross multiply the 1/4 and 3/2 (4 * 3 = 12 and 1 * 2 = 2) you will get 12/2 which is 6.

I think this is right and I hope this helps.


A few days ago
That’s a lot of questions!!

1) Put in standard form by solving for y: 5y = 2x so y = (2/5)x + 0, slope is 2/5

3) Here y = 0x – 3/8, line is horizontal so slope = 0

7) If it goes through two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) then slope is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) — in this case (-3+1)/(-2-4) = 1/3 (draw a graph to see why)

9) By the method in 7), slope is (0-1)/(3-0) = -1/3

So line is y = (-1/3) x + c, plug in the first point (x = 0, y = 1) for 1 = (-1/3)0 + c so c = 1. So equation is y = (-1/3)x + 1. Plug in the second point to check!

There’s a formula for this but it’s a pain to memorize, easier to do it this way.

10) works the same way.

15) Do this the same as 9): y = -4x + c, plug in the point giving 2 = -4(2) + c, solve giving c = 10 so standard form is y = -4x + 10.

16) and 17) work the same way.

18) Put into standard form by solving for y: 4y = 3x – 12 so y = (3/4)x – 3. This gives slope = 3/4.

The y-intercept is where the line touches (intercepts) the y-axis, to find it set x = 0 giving y = -3.

For the x-intercept set y = 0 giving (3/4)x = 3, so x = 4.

22) If it’s parallel to y = mx + b then it has the same slope, namely m. So your line has slope 2. Now use 9) again: y = 2x + c, plug in x = -1, y = 3 for 3 = -2 + c or c = 5. Your line is y = 2x + 5.

23) If it’s perpendicular to y = mx + b then it has slope -1/m. (Check your book for why) So in this case the slope is 5/3 and equation is y = (5/3)x + c, plug in x = 2, y = 2 giving y = 2 – (10/3) = -4/3, and the line is y = (5/3)x – 4/3.

In all this there are only 3 methods to memorize:

1) put in standard form y = mx + b by solving for y, m is slope and b is y-intercept

7) slope of line between 2 points

9) find y-intercept given slope and one other point.

Hope this helps! — Your friendly turtle


A few days ago
Look in your book or ask a teacher 😉

equation of line:

y= mx + c

m = slope or “gradient”

c = intercept with y axis

you need to change 2x-5y = 0 into this form:

-5y = -2x + 0

y = 2/5 x + 0

slope = m = 2/5


with coordinates given like (2,3) fill in equation

3 = m 2 + c

and use other coordinate to find m and c


parallel means the slope (m) is the same

perpendicular means the slopes m1 x m2 = -1


4 years ago
a million) Simplify: {(a^2-5a+6)^-a million/(a-2)^-2}/{(a-3… I have been given (a million)/(a-2) you’re superb. _____________________________ 2) discover the superb answer(s): x² + 2y² = 33 x² + y² – 19 = 2x x² + 2y² = 33 x² – 2x + y² = 19 Subtract two times the 2d equation from the 1st. -x² + 4x = -5 x² – 4x – 5 = 0 (x + a million)(x – 5) = 0 x = -a million,5 Plug one fee returned into between the equations. x² + 2y² = 33 (-a million)² + 2y² = 33 a million + 2y² = 33 2y² = 32 y² = sixteen y = ±4 So we’ve (x,y) = (-a million,-4) and (-a million,4) Plug the different fee returned into between the equations. x² + 2y² = 33 5² + 2y² = 33 25 + 2y² = 33 2y² = 8 y² = 4 y = ±2 So we’ve (x,y) = (5,-2) and (5,2) In entire we’ve 4 answer factors. (x,y) = (-a million,-4); (-a million,4); (5,-2) and (5,2) _______________ 3) 5|3x – 4| = x + a million Rewrite 5|3x – 4| – x – a million = 0 For x ? 4/3 5(3x – 4) – x – a million = 0 15x – 20 – x – a million = 0 14x – 21 = 0 14x = 21 x = 21/14 = 3/2 For x < 4/3 5(-3x + 4) - x - a million = 0 -15x + 20 - x - a million = 0 -16x + 19 = 0 16x = 19 x = 19/sixteen x = 19/sixteen or 3/2 ____________________ 4) ([3]/[5d])/([-9]/[15df]) I have been given -f you're superb.

A few days ago
Shredded Cottage Cheese
ok, in its simplest terms, the slope-intercept form of the equation is easiest. this is written y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the intercept. for the ones where it asks for the slope, or the slope and intercept, change the equation to fit the form y=mx+b and use it to determine m and b. In the form y=mx+b, y means 1y, not 3y, not -5y, but y. So in the examples you may have to divide through to get just plain old y, but just do it.

To find the slope given two points, remember that slope is essentially defined as “rise over run”, or the change in the Y-axis divided by the change in the X-axis. This is computed by the following: M= (x2-x1)/(y2-y1) when you are given any two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

hope this gets you started.


A few days ago
Ed S
You have asked a lot of questions. I’ll help on the first.

1) rearrange the equation putting it into the y=mx+b form.


2) the slope is “m”. In this case it is 2/5

3) You should have had this down cold in Algebra 1.


A few days ago
There are examples given here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slope

I assume you are smart enough to do them yourself.