A few days ago

Algebra 2 help…Absolute value inequalities?

Physicians consider an adults body temperature to be normal if it is between 97.6 degrees and 99.6 degrees. Write an absolute value inequality that describes this normal temperature range.

I would like to know how to do this step by step, not just the answer. I am confused on how to set up the problem and why.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, we know that the average temperature of a human adult’s body is 98.6. If we want to write this equation as an absolute value equality, one way of doing it is to think of the deviation from the average, rather than as total degrees. By doing that, we can say that deviation = the average – the actual or

98.6 – x —> where x is measured body temperature

Now, if your temperature is 99.6 then 98.6 – 99.6 = -1 which is less than 0. What we want is this:

| 98.6 – x | <= 1 because the difference has to be less than or equal to one degree. I hope this helps, Cheers!


4 years ago
a million. -14