A few days ago

alg2 help!!?

1. Paula’s purse contains twice as many dimes as quarters and three fewer nickels than dimes. The total of these coins in 3.15

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Susan B

Favorite Answer

I always tell my students that it’s best to make the second item mentioned in a comparison be equal to x. The other items mentioned can then be written in terms of x.

dimes = 2x (twice as many dimes as quarters)

quarters = x

nickels = 2x – 3 (three fewer nickels than dimes)

You need to multiply the number of each coin times its value.

.10(2x) + .25(x) + .05(2x – 3) = 3.15 multiply

.20x + .25x + .10x – .15 = 3.15 add similar terms

.55x – .15 = 3.15 add .15 to each side

.55x = 3.30 divide by .55

x = 6 now find the other coins

dimes = 2x = 2(6) = 12

quarters = x = 6

nickels = 2x – 3 = 2(6) – 3 = 9