A few days ago
oh really?

Ahhhhhh i need to study…what can i do to motivate myself to study for the rest of the day???

Ahhhhhh i need to study…what can i do to motivate myself to study for the rest of the day???

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’ll give you one since we’re in Yahoo! Answers. See all those idiotic blabberings here? If you don’t want to turn like those buffoons who has no inkling what they’re saying, STUDY!

It’s not a waste of time. After a few years, you don’t have to, unless you want to.

After school, when your minds still fresh with the lessons, get on with the studying. Don’t put it off for later since there’d be lots of distractions for you. That’s what I tell my daughter. If she want to play or watch TV or surf the net, study first, get her homeworks done first. It helps to allot a specific amount of time daily just for studying. Make yourself comfortable. If you’re the type who could take it all in with music blaring, go ahead. Go somewhere where you’re relaxed. Studying is for your own good, sweetie. Never mind the grades (though as a parent myself it’s heartening to know your child does well in school), what’s more important is you take in the knowledge.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Study smart. Don’t sit and read for hours. That will not teach you too much.

Instead study for 20-30 minutes at a time. Take a 5-7 minute break and then start again.

Practice test taking. In other words, answer questions on paper. If your book has chapter tests do them. If you have problems that the teacher did not assign, do them. If you have questions anywhere in the book on the material you are studying, answer them.

Then check your own work by looking back at the text and finding the correct answer. After three hours of this, you will know the material inside and out.


A few days ago
I know how you feel its just you cant be botherd but then all my friends are like ya im studying so i get my ipod and my books and go into a quiet book make notes and revise them preferbly a room with no computer or t.v 😛 to get you distracted i like rooms which people would go into also it may divert you from your studies but when someone comes into the room i just ask them to test me instead of having a conversation with them = ]

hope it helped


A few days ago
Make a list of things you NEED and/or want to do.

Then prioritize the list by numbering them in the order that they NEED to be done in.

Then just concentrate on the Highest Priority item(s) and stick with it until you’re done.

The motivation is really simply your conviction to get each one done in the order you’ve assigned.

Once you get part way down your list, then it may be prudent to look them over and re-prioritze your list.

Hope this helps.


A few days ago