A few days ago

7th grade science fair project ideas?

ok currently i have the idea of “what battery last the longest?” but thats been done by like 100,000’s of people…and i want something original…you know…i mean i want a good grade and it would be cool to win and go to states and all…well i need 3 ideas to turn in..in order of my choice..to get the starting grade..(easy 100 she says) and then i choose best one..so if you have any award winning genius science projects..let me hear them!!

i like science and would love to do something thats not easy or common..

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Just Listen

Favorite Answer

One of my friends did a project years ago on “How can we save more water to clean ourselves?”. It was like, he calculated how many gallons were wasted 5-15 minutes while someone showered, and how many gallons were wasted with a tub 5-15 minutes. He won second place over hundreds of students. If you dono’t go for this idea, good luck anyhoo!

p.s. I think it’s quite original, he came up with it himself and there was no other project like his.


A few days ago
The coolest one i;ve ever done is Diet Coke and Mintos. Your question would be: What in the mintos makes the diet coke explode? or something like that. BEWARE: this is very hard to get information on!! It is still an awesome topic. My topic last year was about biometric fingerprints is was kinda fun. If you go on google and search science fair topics they have good ones but diet coke and mintos is always a crowd pleaser. 😀

5 years ago
If they have a long time to do the project, the way light, or colored water, or different kinds of soil, or different kinds of plant food, or different music playing, affects plant growth. If they only have a week or so, you’d need something simpler. One some of my friends do is testing to see how age affects memory, or audio vs. visual on memory. There are also lots of projects online if you just google it.

A few days ago
Try something with Technology:

1. Processing Power (Current Processors and Future Processors for our computing needs)

2. Consumer Electronics (Where they are now and where they are headed) Ex: PDA Phones, 3G, Media Players

3. Technology in fields such as Medical, Bio-Tech and non-traditional fields