A few days ago

12 people shook hands with each other, how many hand shakes were in all?

I know there is probably a formula to work this out. Please tell me how to find the answer to this sort of a question?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Mr. Bad Day

Favorite Answer


OOPS! you needed the formula, huh?

Handshakes= (Number of people-one)+(Number of people-two) and so forth until (number of people-number of people.)


A few days ago
The solutions you’ve seen are the simplest explanations.

The reason you have to divide 132 by 2 is because each handshake requires two people but if you go around and shake everybody’s hand and then I go and do the same then I am eventually going to come to you, but you have already shaken my hand. This applies to everybody.

Another way to do a problem like this is to list the number of handshakes by each person (at least until you see the pattern),

as in

person A does 11 handshakes

person B does 10 – not shaking A again

person C does 9 – not repeating the handshakes with A, B


add them all up to get a total of 66.

There is actually a formula used in high school math to solve problems like this. The concept is called ‘combinations’. What you’re doing is calculating how many combinations of 2 people you can make using 12 people.

Let x = the number of objects (people)

Let n = the number of objects to be combined (in this case 2)




n! (x-n)!

The exclamation mark is read as ‘factorial’ and means to multiply the number in front of it by every number less than it right down to 1.

12! = 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Using this formula you will get 66.



A few days ago
Twin momma as of 11/11
remember you only use one hand to shake, so you don’t have to think about using both hands. Imagine 12 people in the line. the first person shakes the hands of 11 people, and goes to the end of the line. The next person does the same thin. This repeats itself a total of 12 times, thus you get 12X11.

A few days ago
It’s 12 people shaking hands with 11 people each which is 12X11 = 132, but since it takes two then you half that amount which is 66 handshakes.

A few days ago
It’s just 12X11. They cant shake hands with each other. 12×11=132 total handshakes in all.