A few days ago
cheong w

What should I do that my son has totally no obedience?

My son is a clever boy, he loved to read and learn. But since primary one, he likes nothing, behave very badly, no obedience at all. Since that is a very good school, I don’t want to change school. What can I do?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

discipline him. punish him, spank him, take away his privileges.

reward him for good behavior.


A few days ago
Elizabeth S
Make it “bad” for him when he gets home from school if he’s not listening to the teacher. Listen to wht he might say that’s going wrong for him during the school day and talk to the teacher when you son is not around. Clever kids learn how to manipulate parents and teachers very quickly. When your son has a good day at school, praise him and do something small he likes. Have him “work” to do something he really likes…maybe five good days in a row earns a movie ticket or a trip to the zoo.

Changing his behavior won’t be easy. As they teach in school, rebellion will probably be worse the 2-4 days after the new parenting strategy goes into effect, but then he will get the idea. Stick to your ideals and prepare for the manipulation!! The smarter they are, the more difficult they can be to deal with.

If he’s bad or good, hug him lots. Your love is not what he is working for…it’s that activity he wants.

Best wishes


A few days ago
Ask him why he behaves the way he does, no one will know better than him. Don’t ask him in a threatening way, maybe take him out just the two of you and loosen him up a bit and just listen, digest what he tells you and go back and let him know that you are there for him and love him and then talk about some ways you both can help him do better. Children are no different than adults when it comes to emotions and problems, we adults have just had more to to learn how to express ourselves better, so put yourself in his shoes and be understanding. Just remember this, most kids don’t misbehave just because, there is usually something behind it

A few days ago
Hitting is not the answer. That is punishing not discipline. by hitting him you are concentrating on your child more than the lack of obedience. Every time you hit him he will be scared of you. Don’t be surprised if he avoids telling you things. The best way to DISCIPLINE is to have timeouts, take away privileges, and reward him when he does behave good.

Another good example is when he does something bad sit him down and tell him if you behave good and your grades stay up I will get you that video game console you wanted.


A few days ago
Sally R
Has there been a major change in his environment that might be causing his poor behavior? The first step is to find out why he is acting this way. It might just be a phase he is going through…kinda like toddlers and the “terrible twos”. Stay consistant with rules, punish when needed, but don’t overreact, or he will act out more for attention. Praise him well for good behavior.

A few days ago
Could it be that he has learning problems? most children with learning problems have bad behaviors because they have trouble learning and don’t know what is wrong.

Get the school to do testing to see if he has learning problems and they can help him thru special ed services. If this is the problem and teh school helps with learning problems, then the bad behaviors should stop.

Maybe it could be that kids are picking on him at school? This is very common in US schools and you need to rule this out as a problem that is going on.


A few days ago
I know you as mother may not want to spank your child like the many answers you have gotten here, spanking them makes them even more mad and try to somewhat rebel in things you may want them to do because they know thats were youll go wrong.I suggest you talk to him about school try getting information on what may be going on around him for this change he has had. Also try talking to him about education and how it makes him feel… he may be frustrated that he cant do a certain thing and its causing him to loose interest in everything! I suggest you talk to him everyday and ask him how was school try to keep a chart of the answers he says and how his mood is that day. My aunt tried that on her daughter she kept track that she had a reading log a certain day and that same day she seemed more rebelious when she asked her to do her Homework and ended up finding out that she was not obidient because she didnt know how to read and everyone was making fun of her in school. she later eneded up getting her a tutor and it all went well =]GOOD LUCK!

A few days ago
Time outs when he misbehaves, but explain why his behavior upsets you. Don’t be afraid to seek help in books or parenting classes. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and comes with no training!

A few days ago
discipline him….set up some boundaries for him

be the parent! you are not your child’s friend…you’re a parent…if you let him keep going on with this things will be bad and get worse…ground him or time out really…but he cannot continue with this behavior…maybe try asking him what’s wrong and make him tell you what’s wrong…maybe he just doesn’t feel like he’s getting that much attention or something…i don’t know…good luck…


A few days ago
Boys are like that. But they will smartened up if you discipline them. Let him be the last class. And see what he will get (a spanking) and he’ll change.

A few days ago
Lol Id think you where a neighbor down the street! Whoop his a*s man! Just don’t leave bruises (LOL)