A few days ago

in the logarithmic function pH=-log10[H+], what does [H+] stand for and how do I find it?

I understand the function, I just don’t know how to find the [H+] variable when trying to find the pH…?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Tim C

Favorite Answer

[H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. I think the units are moles/liter. In the problem did they give you the concentration or do you have to calculate it from other info. provided?

A few days ago
H+ stands for hydrogen or hydronium H3O+ (both are the same thing. why? i dunno my chem teacher just tells me it is)

are u sure ur 10’s not a negative or has a decimal?


we put a – in front of the log to make the answer of the pH positive

ex) say we want to figure out the pH of .1 moles

if we type log,1 we get a -1 and u can’t have a negative on the pH scale but if you type -log.1 you get 1 which is on the scale

ex) what is the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution that has a pH of 3?

10x(a button on ur calculator)= -3 (type in -3)

so it should be 10x=-3

=.001M H+ (and M is moles/Litre)

i dunno if that helped or if i just meaninglessly rambled on. good luck 🙂


A few days ago
[H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions.

hope that helps, I don’t remember how to find it, sorry. Chem days are far behind me


A few days ago
h is for hydrogen and the + means that it has one electron less than usually!

hope this helps