A few days ago

home school?

im in 10th grade and im trying to find home schooling in concord, california where i live…i cant find nothing..does anybody know of a free or not that expensive home school around here?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

check out www.k12.com it is free and comes from California most awesome program all lesson on computer teachers outings clubs you will love it and they give you a free computer to use so check it out I HOPE YOU LOVE IT AS MUCH AS WE DO AND TELL THEM AZ VA SENT YOU

A few days ago
You are already there-in your home. Home schooling is education that is based out of the home. The cost can be as minimal or as much as you (and your parents) choose to let it be.

Try searching for a homeschool support group in your area. You can find some at http://www.HSLDA.org . Click on California in the pull down menu below the map to the right, and then click on organizations. They will be able to help you. HSLDA can also familiarize you with the state law.


A few days ago
Thrift stores, the Library, Amazon.

You need Geometry or Trig

English Grammar and Comp and Vocabulary

English Lit (which means checking out classics from the Library)

History or Poly Scie

Math Chemsitry or Physic

Arts (drawing, music like guitar playing)

So you get a guitar at a yard sale or Wal Mart for $75 and a MEl Bay book

If you can’t afford <$500 you need to go back to Public School who will provide all the materials you need for free.


A few days ago
I’m not sure I understand your question. If you want to be home schooled, each state and province has a different set of criteria. Check with the board of education where you are and they will be able to direct you. Some school districts will have you register so that you can get funding and be tested, others leave it entirely up to you and then have you tested before you enter college or university to make sure you have completed the necessary requirements.

A few days ago
Take a look through these lists of both support groups and independent study programs in California. Contact a local support group for more detailed questions and answers. Good luck! 🙂






A few days ago
Homeschooling schools don’t have to be in your town.

Try some of these school.

Laurel Springs High School

Penn Foster High School

Key Stone National High School


A few days ago
answer faerie, V.T., A. M.
k12.com offers their program thru California Virtual Academy

everything’s free, even a loaner computer


A few days ago
Tammy F
look up K12 (there suppose to be in every state.)