A few days ago
scottish football ….nuff said

Does Home schooling work……….?

those doing it…….how have you found it…..

is it …easier / harder……than school…..

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Marvelissa VT

Favorite Answer

One of the most important things you should know about it is that it’s a lifestyle really. It can work exceeding well – when the parents are dedicated and truly committed to making sure their children are educated well. I personally know two families who have or are still homeschooling their children. All of the children from both are amazing kids, smart, well-rounded, and the family with the oldest children – their youngest son is entering college – with an academic scholarship – in the fall. Their other 3 boys have either already graduated college or are in there now finishing it up.

I don’t home school my child – as I am a single mom and it is a financial impossibility for me to quit work and do so, but after meeting and getting to know the two families I gave you examples of, I sure wish I could.

As a parent who has to continuously correct mis-information or bad behaviors my child picks up at school – I encourage you to homeschool your kids if you are able to.


A few days ago
I home school two boys. I thought it was harder at first, but I was trying to be a “teacher” like I was used to having in school. I have found it is easier now. I can do my usual errands, kids don’t have to miss school and I can vacation any time of the year. My state doesn’t require a minimum of hours a day, only 180 days a year. I teach year-round and stick to what my children are “supposed to know” by their age. Every child is different and learn in different manners. I have found that if my child doesn’t understand something, I can move on and come back to it later. I can also focus on some of the subjects that he is more interested in for longer periods than would be offered at school. I think home school allows my child to explore subjects he enjoys and will give him a better idea by 18 of what he wants to do with his career. Instead of changing his majors two or three times; he has already had experience in an area to know whether he like it or not.

A few days ago
Well, this question give me a chance to reflect on my personal experience. I have been homeschool for sixteen years. My oldest is now 20 and the youngest being homeschool is 5.

The oldest child was homeschooled until 8th grade and demanded to go to high school. Now he is studying in an ivy league university. It works for most in the academic facet especially in the elementary level.

on the social facet most homeschool kids are very different. Socially I found my kids are awkward. They are not as daring to initiate conversations with other kids. I found they are better with adults than children. Also they have only a few friends around the neighborhood and a some homeschool friends. The homeschool friends are not within walking distance, so it requires a lot of driving.

Homeschooling is much harder than just putting your child on the bus every morning. The house does not stay clean. As a homeschool mom I do not have those couple hours most mom would have to themselves, but the reward of homeschooling is beyond. It gave me a chance to know all my children well. And this time is short, they only stay around for while then they have their own lives.


A few days ago
It works if you make it work. It has some definite advantages over public school, but for the older student who’s transferring out of public school into homeschooling, there may be some things that seem to be disadvantages: not surrounded by people all the time, you have to be more self-disciplined, you have to develop some good time management skills… These can be challenges for many who are used to talking with others all the time, used to being told what to do and when everything’s due, used to having a bell dictate when you move onto the next subject. Some students handle it well, others don’t. Some find this harder, some don’t.

A few days ago
Thrice Blessed
Homeschooling works for my family. It may not for everyone. It does work for many, many families. Many homeschooled kids score very well on their SATs and get into excellent colleges.

As far as it being easier or harder, well that depends on how you homeschool and which public school you are comparing it to. It is usually more efficient, since you don’t spend time doing busy work, waiting in line, or listening to a teacher explain something you already know, you can usually accomplish more in less time.

Remember, regardless of how and where you are schooled, you will get out of it what you put into it. Don’t look for whats “easiest”, look for what will teach you what you need to know. Study hard, study smart.

After reading the last answer I want to say, not every homeschooled kid is socially awkward. My daughter is more social than I every was, and I went to public school. I have met some homeschoolers who are socially at ease and some who are not. I have also met public school kids who are socially at ease and some who are not. I depends on the personality and on the social opportunities presented.


A few days ago
My son (12) would tell you that it’s harder because he hates to be challenged unless it’s on something he really wants to learn!

My daughter would tell you it’s easier because she can work at her own level (she reads slower than other students and therefore gets made fun of and punished by the teachers for not finishing work on time).

I had a really cool 3rd grade teacher and a school librarian help me get started. They encouraged me and also got me going in the right direction. I love homeschooling and since I have started I never want to send my daughter back to public school!


A few days ago
Ms. Phyllis
I’m a newbie at homeschooling; I just began homeschooling my first grade son in November 2006. Homeschooling is not easier or harder. It is a truly unique experience and lifestyle which I cannot compare to anything I have every known.

My child was also in public school pre-kindergarten for two years and a private Christian school for kindergarten; the private school closed. (It was a great school but enrollment was low.) The former owner of the private school who was also my son’s kindergarten teacher offered to teach ten of her best students in her home when the school closed. My son was in a class with nine other students, ages 3 to 6 (sort of like a one room school house) with one teacher and a teacher’s assistant. Academically, he thrived in that environment. My son had a teacher who was committed to her students; I am, as his mother, committed to his learning even moreso.

He began his first grade year at a magnet (specialty) public school for kindergarten to third grade students. He was already academically advanced beyond his peers and said he was bored. I then tried a virtual school (public school at home) and finally decided to homeschool him with the curriculum of my choice.

My son is an only child, and I am a single parent who works from home. Therefore, I have to make a concerted effort for him to be around other children and other people in general. He is pretty social and has always used school as a social outlet–which has caused problems for him in the past.

He is doing extremely well in the homeschool environment and learning at a rate that astounds even me. Also, he is doing well socially, as I have put him in various classes, i.e., “Bitty Basketball,” “Seasonal Sports,” and currently, “Cubs Rookie Care Baseball.” He will soon be returning to a conservatory for a percussion ensemble class. There is also children’s church, park district, and community classes, etc. When he was in school and I worked outside of my home, I really did not have a lot of time for other classes/activities during the week and in the evening–only on the weekends.

In essence, homeschooling works if you learn how to work it.


A few days ago
I have never been to public school, so I can’t say for myself if it is harder/easier. But my cousin went to public school until he was 14. He said home schooling can be more challenging because mom cares more about your education than 5 different teachers with 25-30 student do. Moms are usually more strict with their child education, too.

A few days ago
It definitely works, if you’re willing to make it work. It does take commitment, it’s certainly not always convenient, and it takes consistency. Those aren’t always easy things to make yourself commit to πŸ™‚

But honestly, any job done well takes that – no boss I’ve ever had has allowed me to blithely be uncommited, inconsistent, or flaky. If I’m willing to be commited and faithful for an hourly wage, I’m certainly willing to do it for my child’s education.

No, the house isn’t always clean, and nope, I’m not June Cleaver πŸ™‚ But I see definite benefits for my son: he can study at his own pace (rather than according to the class lesson plan); he can go in-depth on the things that interest him, and just learn the facts for the things he couldn’t care less about. He has a schedule that allows him to stay healthy and has the time to be involved in extracurricular things that are important to him, without having to sacrifice sleep or schoolwork. He can learn according to his learning style instead of being recommended for Ritalin because he doesn’t sit still and listen 24 hours a day πŸ™‚

In some ways it’s harder on me, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s easier to work with but more challenging material for him, because I can tailor his curriculum to his needs. Overall, it’s the best choice for our family!


A few days ago
Tish :~)
I think the “easy way” is to just send your kid off to let someone else teach him/her, BUT it is not the best way!! I haven’t been Homeschooling very long at all~~~less than a year, but I will tell you that I have always felt it was a better way. You get to spend each day with your child and that is priceless!! Homeschooling has been a lot of fun…..we have bad days once in a while, but it is nice to know what is happening in my kids’s lives. When you homeschool YOU determine what your child is taught AND you can set your own hours, so your child doesn’t have to attend all day!! There is no overload of homework!!!