A few days ago

Do you know exactly how many words you have used in your lifetime?

That’s too bad because I do.

My total words used as of 8:30 pm E.S.T.is 937,401.

And I know the meaning of each and every one of them.

I’d be happy to grab a Dictionary and point each one out.

And strange as it may seem, I have never won a single game of scrabble.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Frank Z

Favorite Answer

Are you sure that it was words that were used, and not things more like phrases. You may think “not fast” is a word, but it is actually more like a phrase. What do you think Pete Shwetty would think about that?

4 years ago
do not tell ME i won’t be in a position to respond to QUESTIONS! it somewhat is AN OPEN talk board. in case you % CENSORSHIP, go someplace else! God, devil, heaven, hell- do not exist!! they’re historic, primitive, imaginary, myth fairy thoughts, concocted with the aid of historic, primitive, ignorant, uneducated people, who did not have the technological information and technologies to describe issues marvelous!!

A few days ago
More than the stars in the sky! lol

A few days ago
28, I have a very limited vocabulary.

A few days ago
i expected way more. besides, thats extremely difficult to calculate considering one might speak more than one language.

A few days ago
kahlan nynaeve®
whoa, i don’t! and i don’t bother to know.