A few days ago

Behind in homeschool. argh?

Hey ya’ll.

I’m *really* behind in school… like I still have 3ish more quarters left to complete so I can move up to sophomore year – any ideas/suggestions so that I can finish by the end of this month? I use Seton

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

3 quarters in one month? That sounds like an unrealistic goal, but maybe I’m wrong. Try to set up a schedule for yourself. Do you have to be ready to begin Sophomore year by September (or the end of this month)? If you’re homeschooling, can’t you just begin sophomore year in, say, October, and then do a little extra to be sure you finish sophomore year by next June?

A few days ago
Thrice Blessed
I agree with PJ that you might want to look at starting sophomore year a little late and then keep doing a little extra until you are where you should be, rather than trying to catch up everything in a month.

I am not familiar with Seton at all. But is there any way you could skip a little work if you already know enough to pass the test? I let my kids do that if I know they really have something mastered.

Whatever you do, set up a realistic schedule for yourself. You could do one or two extra lessons a day, including full school days on Saturdays.


5 years ago
If you haven’t done any work for three years I doubt if you are still enrolled. The good news is that you can enroll in homeschool again and complete your studies. Now that you are motivated to do the work you should check out the online schools. There are several that will let you work at your own speed which means that if you really are motivated you can breeze through some subjects and test online. Some are free! There are also several that will take life learning experiences for for credit if you show you know the work and will let you pretest online to see what you need to brush up on. If I were you I would also take a look at Unschooling sites. They will be of great help and you can talk to others who have gone the unschooling route and gone to collage as well. Good luck.

A few days ago
I agree with PJ. It’s impossible to get all that done in a month. You can try finishing up the easy subjects first(so you can get the credits for them) then finish up the hard ones! πŸ™‚ I’m guessing your taking option 1 for 9th grade(if it hasn’t changed)… So dude, for instance, Religion – I suppose you can just browse to the textbook and finish all the quarter tests in 3 days. Earth/Physical Science can be finished in a week and a half (It is an easy subject) Grammar and Composition are more of essays which is fairly easy. Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 and English 9 save it for LAST! lol. I use Seton also, I’m in senior year. Drop me a message if you have any questions. πŸ˜‰

A few days ago
I’ve gotta agree with PJ…you could probably get the work done that quickly if you really pushed yourself, but chances are you wouldn’t get anything out of it. Work with your mom to get a schedule set up and stick to it – you can always start your sophomore year a little later and take a few less days off in the meantime, be totally caught up by junior year to start “on time”.

This is a good time for you to learn to do this – you’ll need to know how to set and keep a schedule later on in high school, and especially in college and at a job. Now is kind of a “safe” way for you to learn how to do this with no harder consequences than learning to buckle down and do it.

Sorry…I know this probably isn’t the answer you were looking for, but I think the results will be better in the long run. Good luck!


A few days ago
Three months behind? In public school, if you were 3 months behind, you would probably be held back, right? Think outside the public school box. Are you behind in every subject? If so, what are you doing being on Yahoo Answers? Open the books and start working. Get yourself caught up. Look for tutoring. There is an organization that offers free tutoring, in my area, perhaps there is one in your community. You are behind , not because of homeschool, but because you are not working hard enough. Yes, it is okay to blame the student when they fail.

A few days ago
omg!! how could you let yourself get really behind in school??? 3 quarters behind is A LOT and if you have to do that in 1 month, it’s Almost impossible unless your memory is good!!! i definitely won’t be able to squeeze that much info in such a short time frame πŸ™‚

well, if you aren’t accredited, you can just study for your finals and do the exams. then do those required quizzes or assignments only. haha, can the 1 mth deadline be extended? if so, it could ease you a lot of pressure! anyway good luck, because you’ll need it!!! πŸ˜€


A few days ago
listen….I have found my self in the same boat two years in a row…..my problem is Ill be a senior in the fall!!!! ugh!!!…, the only thing you can do is set up a schedule and stick to it. Then you need to sit back and think about what made you fall behind and think of ways to prevent similar things from happening next year ( if these circumstances are within your control, that is)

Good luck!


A few days ago
I guess you better get to work then. Remember how you feel now when you slack off next year.

A few days ago
study hard!