A few days ago

Should i take a Winter course or not?

Take it in winter or push it back to the Spring? Pushing it back always me to start looking for a different job. I hate my current job. I’m not sure what to do.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Artist Wanna Be

Favorite Answer

Well I don’t know what school you are going to, and when classes start, and can you still get into the course? When does “Spring” courses start?

for me, I am going back to school, and Spring courses start in January for where I go to school. The schools I know of have “fall” and “spring” and “summer” courses.

if you hate your job, find a new one and quit the one you are in. if you hate it why stay? I hated a job that paid very well, and I had great health insurance and had good money going into a 401b. But I hated the job, and it got to the point where I was getting sick physically and mentally because of how much I disliked it.

Do you have to work? Do you get student loans? some of those things to consider because if you have to be in school to keep the loans in deferrment, the take the courses if there are courses that you want to take……. If you have to work, then work….

Talk to a school advisor.


A few days ago
well a winter course is short in the amount of time maybe 3 weeks but the classes are 4 hours long so if you have the time then go ahead

A few days ago
Winter minis for me have always been easier then full semesters, so yes I think you should take one.