A few days ago
Josh F

Should I consolidate my student loans before my 6 month grace period?

I am now working full-time and although I’m not making a ton of money; would it be in the best interest of me to consolidate my loans and start paying them off now rather than later?

Also, does anyone know how you go about getting the bills from your loans sent to you earlier than the 6 month period so that I can take them with me to the bank and set up a consolidated loan?

Thanks in advance for any responses : )

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You didn’t state if this are federal student loan or private student loans.

But either way, it’s definitely a good idea to consolidate your loans as soon as possible. Even if you lose a month or so of payment deferment you get a jump on paying the loans off. which, now that you’ve graduated, is your goal.

There are a myriad of places to consolidate your loans, generally the rates on federal loans will be the same, but the repayment terms can vary. Be sure to talk with several companies and ask if they have any discounts available if you consolidate with them. Some offer a discount on the rate if you do an auto-deduct for the payment, others offer a discount for 24 months of on-time payments.

A couple I recommend are Chase Bank, they have a dedicated student loan division that just down consolidation loans. You can reach them through http://www.usadegrees.com/consolidate/ also try Student Loan Advisors at http://www.StudentLoanAdvisors.com

As for what you’ll need, most will need your social security number they can look up the loan files (for federal loans) and they can handle it from there. The whole process is pretty easy and only takes about 10 minutes online and another hour or two reviewing the paperwork.


A few days ago
If you want to consolidate them now, you will have to get a form from the loan company asking that they be put in repayment status. The only benefit for consolidating now is doing it to beat the interest rate hike. I don’t believe the interest rate changes until next summer, so there shouldn’t be a rush on doing it now. You can always make payments (however much you want) before they are due.