A few days ago

Is Sanford-Brown College an accredited school?

My daughter is attending this school and one of my family members told me that Sanford-Brown College is no longer accredited. She hasn’t received her financial aid at all while other students have received their second check for financial aid. Everything was turned in, in order.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The best way to find out if the school has lost its accreditation and if that is what is effecting your daughter’s financial aid is to call the school and ask. The financial aid office should have information on which programs need to be accredited for the student to receive financial aid, and the accreditation status for those programs. If it turns out that the school has lost the accreditation for your daughter’s program, she needs to look in to transferring to another school that will take most of her credits earned so far and is still accredited. Good luck!

A few days ago
What is the program your daughter is attending at Sanford Brown? If it’s for general stuff like medical assisting, billing and coding, etc. I’m not sure. As those programs mainly don’t full under a nationally excepted accreditation. Usually those people are hired on at there extern ship sites, or by world of mouth and school placement.

However, If she is there for Ultrasound. Some locations are accredited nationally and eligible for ARDMS certification upon graduation, and some locations are not. For a list of the accredited programs that are nationally excepted for ultrasound go here:


Then click on find an accredited program. And the state your daughter goes to school it should be listed on that site, if it isn’t found on that, the school she goes to for Ultrasound isn’t nationally accredited.

They do have other forms of secondary accreditation, however those ones matter very little. ARDMS certification is really the only important one in terms of finding a Job at a hospital, etc.

Let us know how it goes, I’m just wondering.


5 years ago
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awiFL

Colleges do not accredit schools. Homeschooling is not a “school” therefore homeschooling is not accredited. There are private schools used by homeschoolers that are accredited, but “homeschools” are not accredited. Also since you are over the compulsory age to attend school, you can not legally be considered a homeschooler. Also Sanford Brown is a chain of for profit schools. You should really look at attending a local community college instead. Many will accept you without a GED or high school diploma.


6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

Is Sanford-Brown College an accredited school?
My daughter is attending this school and one of my family members told me that Sanford-Brown College is no longer accredited. She hasn't received her financial aid at all while other students have received their second check for financial aid. Everything was turned in, in order.


5 years ago
Avoid the for-profit schools like ITT and Brown Mackie. They are horribly expensive and their degrees often, perhaps usually, are not accepted by employers as job qualifications. You are much better off at the local community college or state 4-year university – both as to cost and to acceptability and recognition of your coursework.