A few days ago

I am completely confused about schloarships, can anyone help?

I’m a senior in high school right now, and of course college is coming up soon. I know I could talk to my guidance counselor at school, but I’m not in school right now and I have some questions I’d really like answered. I just don’t understand the process of applying for schloarships for college. Do you apply for them after you get accepted for a school, or do you do it before…do they come from the school or can you get them other places? Just how exactly do they work and when should I apply? Could I just have some basic information about schloarships? Thanks!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The best thing to do is to apply for scholarships after you get accepted into a school, that way in case you don’t get accepted, you don’t have to give them back.

You can apply for grants and scholarships at these sites:

FedMoney.org Home






Good luck!


A few days ago
Katie L
Go to the websites of the schools you would like to apply for and they SHOULD have some scholarship links available there. Scholarships that are just from that school and general ones you can apply for. You apply for scholarships before you are accepted and I believe the scholarship asks what schools you want to go to (depending on what type of scholarship it is). They send your info to the schools of your choice and then those schools tell you how much money they are willing to give and then you can decide based on that and other things of course.