A few days ago
kumar sasi

hi this is Sasi,iam having Net connection,and Computer,i want to earn money from Home,iam studying my degree,?

iam seeking for online parttime,plz suggest me a real company,if ur earning or having knowledge reg this,i have to spend my time in this?is it possible to earn money online from home with internet?iam waiting for ur realy friends,thank u

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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Learn How To Earn Money From Internet Without Spending A

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5 years ago
I am a Christian, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. One reason, from a Biblical stand point, is that we, in general, don’t fall to the same low sink of debauchery. Example, we say we view it wrong to celebrate Christmas. The fact that we are Christians and don’t do this, creates a seperation. Then others have to decide, will They stand up and not celebrate it either, or celebrate it and either simply think we are wrong, or feel bad because they feel we’re right about it. Often on here when someone makes a complaint, it seems to be something someone else Wrote, based on something someone else Said, about what I Supposedly believe. Example, I don’t like them, because they don’t believe in having Windows in on their Kingdom Halls. One complaint on here was that a Witness came on Christmas morning and told a woman she was going to burn forever for having Native American/Catholic (I would love to know how one is devout in both faiths) beliefs. It clearly isn’t true since we don’t believe in Hellfire. Another person on here claimed that if Witnesses could, they would acquire guns and force people to become Witnesses. Appearantly the user felt that all 6+ million of us, have no access to guns. Both the answers I just listed were to the same question, and the first one claimed that Witnesses were active Nazis during Hitler’s life, and still are, while the second answer I listed claimed we should’ve been put in the gas chambers, and that Hitler was smart to do so.