A few days ago

Gender Roles and Expectations?

i have to write a vignette on Gender Roles and Expectations..but i dont know what to write about!…does anyone have any ideas on what i could write about??

thnx in advance 😀

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Use a general theme or idea (jobs which favour certain genders ie nurse or firefighter) and tie in your ideas with specific examples. Use anything…Employment (which i mentioned) Sports, Family Roles etc.

A few days ago
It used to be that men were bread winners. They worked and brough home the money. Women didn’t work. They stayed home and raised children and mopped the floors.

Now, with housing as expensive as it is, it is difficult to get by without both adults working. Sometimes the women earn more than the men. Because both adults are working, some of the home chores are taken on by the guy. The guy may do laundry or clean or cook.

There are some people in society that have a hard time accepting these changes. There are stay at home mothers who will make comments to working mothers about how they could never let their kids go to daycare and be raised by somebody else. There are people that don’t think men should be nurses. There are people in corporate america that limit a women’s ability to be promoted.

Lines have been crossed and things aren’t the way they used to be.


A few days ago
Well, it depends on the culture and how it influences the way the people of that culture look onto different people. For example, in a male-dominant country, the men are more stressed and emphasized and have more decision making roles. The women, on the other hand, are bound to stay home to cook and clean. But if someone can from a tough tribal group, the gender roles might be more equal.

I hope this helps!


A few days ago
Here’s a story.

When my son started 2nd grade he would write some of his letters backward. I asked the teacher about it. She said lots of 2nd graders do that, it will straighten itself out by the end of the school year, don’t worry about it. By the end of the year all his letter were correct.

2yrs later my daughter started 2nd grade and she wrote some of her letters backward. The teacher took points off her paper. I asked, “Isn’t this normal for a 2nd grader?” She said it was only normal for boys, girls usually learned to write their letters correctly sooner therefor she took points off for girls who write backward letters.

When reports show that one sex does better than the other, is it bcause that sex is inherently better or because they are being given an easier grading curve? How often does this happen and no one catches it? How does this affect a child’s self image? For the boy – I don’t have to be perfect, just close enough. For the girl – I have to be perfect or I’ll face negative consequences.

By the way, I threw a fit over this with the principal and was told all children would be graded on the same scale.


A few days ago
♪♫♪ La Dee Da ♪♫♪♫♪♫
Discuss how the stereotypical role of men and women have changed in the last 50 years, from the expectation of men being breadwinners and women stay at home moms to now. Today many men stay at home, there are many women who who choose to be single parents, and same sex partners. There is a lot you could divulge into. Good Luck!

A few days ago
Hey D,

I would suggest that a vignette on how expectations have changed for men with stay at home dad’s, metrosexuals, etc


4 years ago
convinced i imagine it really is real, somewhat youthful adult adult males are below pressure, to portray the definition of “manly”…. which probable motives multiple inner most grief and pressure. there’s a noticeable withdrawal of seen thoughts from boys round 14+, at the same time as they’d before been outgoing, chatty, gentle little boys. they look to change into careful of exhibiting too a lot sensitivity or emotion, really than threat getting ridiculed by way of their friends, or society regularly. also, women individuals can get proper of entry to any male trend, yet enable the opposite take position and he at present has to describe or submit with unfair labels and mock.

A few days ago
You want to write borrow things ??? Gender role is very simple ” Fill up the gape”

A few days ago
galaxor, destroyer
Think about a time when you were angry or happy about being a girl, or noticed something you didn’t get that the boys were getting, or something the boys couldn’t have that you got.

A few days ago
brian d
such as when we think of a man as tough and strong and when we think of a woman as soft and weak when actually the opposite can quite often be true …