Eugenics And Racism


In the field of social sciences, the role of social scientists is very important. This is because these scientists are supposed to come up with facts concerning the different disciplines. As thus, they are supposed to give insight, concrete definitions as well as directions for the further progress of the disciplines.


Issues of eugenics and racism have been here for a very long time. Both these social ideas have helped shape our societies in different ways. As a result, the beliefs inherent in these disciplines have helped increase gaps between people from different occupations. This paper aims at looking at the differences and or similarities between the two concepts. In addition, the paper will seek ways of resolving any misconceptions that may be there concerning the two concepts.


Eugenics is a social philosophy that advocates for the enhancement of human heritable qualities through different forms of involvement. Different advocates regard eugenics as a form of social responsibility, or an altruistic standpoint of a society, meant for the creation of a healthier, more intelligent people, in order to save resources, as well as lessen human misery.

Eugenics And Racism

Throughout history, there has been a tendency for eugenics to be used as a basis for racial discrimination as was the case in the former Nazi Germany.

Racism officially has many definitions. The most widely accepted definition being the belief that members of one race are distinctively inferior or superior to members of other different races. Racism is evident in almost all human societies. Members of different races usually view others with suspicion. Although eugenics has helped to advance issues of racism, racism itself has been critical in dividing people of different cultures.


There are many ethnic communities within the United States. Most of these ethnic communities have migrated into the United States over the years. Many indigenous ethnic groups or Native Americans like the red Indians have been marginalized extensively especially due to foreign occupation of the land over the last two centuries.

Eugenics and racism do not mean the same thing in terms of definition. However, the applicability of the two terms is sometimes used to mean the same thing. This is because if the application of the two terms is done with the intention of dividing people or discriminating them then the use of the two terms is made the same. Regardless, of this fact it does not mean that a person has to be a racist to be a eugenic or the vice versa. Surprisingly, there are many instances where the two terms have been used to commit acts of atrocities against different groups of people.

Apart from differentiating people on race-based eugenic, the discipline has also helped to divide people in terms of classes. This so-called class-based eugenics has been influential in dividing people in terms of classes. As thus, the issue of low class, middle class and upper classes of the society has been very popular. Although these classes have further been subdivided, the

Eugenics And Racism

three classes are the most used. Using this basis eugenics has been able to divide the human population.

Historically it has been shown possible that a person can be racist without being a supporter of eugenics. Ethnic cleansing, as was the case in Rwanda and Georgia, has shown that racism was the reason for the acts of genocide committed and not eugenics. The determining factor in these cases was politics. The intention to retain political power within a certain race was the cause of the race-based violence.


Issues of racism and eugenics have been very difficult to explain. Within the American culture, racism has been a major dividing factor especially since the late 1700s. The major groups that have or did suffer the most included the native Indians, black Americans, Latin Americans, and Asians. Issues of eugenics and racism have been here for a very long time. Both these social ideas have helped shape our societies in different ways. As a result, the beliefs inherent in these disciplines have helped increase gaps between people from different lifestyles. This paper aims at looking at the differences and or similarities between the two concepts. In addition, the paper will seek ways of resolving any misconceptions that may be there concerning the two concepts.

Acts of racism, discrimination, and segregation are not unique to the American culture. The system of apartheid or racial segregation was legally in existence in South Africa until 1994. In many other countries, people of other nationalities or ethnic backgrounds are always discriminated against.

All that needs to be done, is for people all over the world to be made to understand that whether a person is a red Indian, a black American, a Punjabi or whatever, people need to realize that a

Eugenics And Racism

beneath the skin we all have the same color of blood, the same body organs and that above all we all have one heart, one soul and one chance to live in this lifetime.


Paul, Diane. "Controlling Human Heredity: 1865 to the Present." Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:

Humanities Press, 1995

Rosen, Christine. "Preaching Eugenice Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement", Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.