Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

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Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback


The title rating is very good this is because it is very concise and precise it sets the mind of the reader in what it. It presents the idea of enhancing learning from the onset and describes what is to enhance it this prepares the reader.

Description of the problem

The problem is described in a very indirect way with the topic being very directional and not highlighting any apparent problem on the onset, but later on the problem becomes apparent as one reads the context and learns that the problem is the limited learning facilities, that do not enhance the learning of the students.

Significance of the problem

The problem statement is poor as there exists a con fusion at first whether the problem that exists at first is lack of adequate learning opportunities or it is actually lack of feedback. Though the problem becomes apparent later on that it is lack of feed back that affects the learning process the initial problem statement is very poor.

Analysis of literature relevant to the problem

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

The author gathers information on previous studies on videotaping and the traces the link that exists between that and the learning processes in class. This he does through a wide collection of literature from different authors who have examined the efficacy of videotaping. From this point he examines the advantage of using the videotaping, the disadvantages, how to overcome these disadvantages and the process of adopting them in class rooms and how they help in these particular setups. This is t he final part of his literature which hands it an exemplary mark, his data progression and building on the topic and finally the relation is well done.

Identification of Independent and dependent variables

The study identification of these variables is poor with the writer building on literature and not particular variables that are supposed to shape his research it is not until the reader goes the study that he comes up with student feedback as the dependent variable the independent variable is the students’ reaction as well as video taping as an activity.

Statement of operational Question or Hypothesis

Though there is no clearly defined hypothesis by the writer the topic in its self is directional enough to give a good hypothesis which is hard to determine whether it was the writer’s intention but on basis of research writing it is poor as the hypothesis is supposed to be clearly cut from the rest of the literature. Otherwise the fitting hypothesis for the study would be “videotaping improves learning process” still another could be “Videotaping improves feedback process”.

Definition of terms

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

There is no stated glossary in the research despite the technicality of some aspects of the study however the writer gives description some of the technical terms in an in text form, this may not be the best way but at least some credit should be given for his attempt to give definitions though the style he/she uses is relatively good.

Populations and sampling procedures

The entire study has two figures and one table the writer chooses to give directions in a narrative manner this I must say is commendable as it ensures the flow of the research but on the other hand it presents a problem for sub sequent researchers who may want to conduct similar research has they have to go through the entire study to find the instructions.

On the use of the table to summarize the advantages and disadvantages this is very good as it gives the reader a chance to reflect and test his retention of the research content through a concise description.

On the use of the figures this describes and shows clearly the feedback process which is very good, and for the second figure which shows the sitting arrangement for the students is also very good in terms of enhanced experimental understanding.

Data sources and data collection procedure

Data sources are very huge and the writer has gathered a huge range of information especially judging from the number of citations as well as his reference section, this is very good as it lids the research of bias from using single sourced information giving it a good background.

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

Instrumentation or Measurement Devices

Instrumentation used in this study is to measure the level of students understanding and reaction to the videotaping experience, it is also taken to determine the level of feedback which determines the effectiveness of the videotaping to improve learning. The rating of this is good as the method is quite useful in achieving the writer’s objective of measuring the effectiveness and reaction.

Data Tables and Data Analysis

There is no tabular representation of data and considering the study is more qualitive than quantitive then the rating would be average as at some extent tabular illustration is required when it comes to student numbers etc.

Presentation and Interpretation of Findings.

Presentation and interpretation of findings is nicely done in a coherent manner. This helps the reader in making the summations and though here are no tables to collectively show the summaries the findings are well illustrated. This is good based on the quality of presentation.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

The conclusion part is available and gives a good recount of the research content and offers how the videotaping can be incorporated and made effective, this is very good and one of the best parts of the whole research.

Summary or the Abstract of the Study

There is an Abstract which h very well prepares the reader of the bases of the research and this creates expectations and interests the reader this is very good to and the writer has done a great job on the abstract.

Suggestions for further Research in the Problem Area

The study has considerably covered the effectiveness of videotaping in improving the feedback process however the study could be sounder if deeper research is conducted on how the same can be incorporated in other learning processes with a different aim other than that of facilitating feedback this would help familiarity and acceptance by

The students as it become part of the entire education system.

Strengths of the Study (my opinion)

Strength of the study remains in the depth of research. The extensive and exhaustive research is done in proper manner. The method of citation is proper and the information put in proper places with good paragraph structure that ensure the flow of information in a logical manner.

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback

Weaknesses of the Study (my opinion)

Weakness of the study is lack of presentation of data in tabular forms without any comparison method. Comparison of data would have given a better understanding of the situation of the students and express successfully the difference in not using and using the video taping.

Suggestions for Improving the Study (my opinion)

Use of qualitive data especially when it comes to the number of students who were subject to the research and presentation of their feelings and opinions even through graphs would hand the study a good look and draw off some of the data given in writing.

Learning to See: Enhancing Student Learning Through Videotaped Feedback


Yin, R. (2002).Case Study: Design and methods, Third edition, applied social research methods series 5th edition. Sage Publications, Inc.

Stake, R (2000). The Art of case study 4th edition, Sage Publications, Inc.