Neuroantomical Structures

Neuroantomical structures are the organs of the body which are make up the nervous system.

Examples of these structures are the brain, the spinal cord and muscles.

The nervous system of a human being is divided into two systems. One is the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system has the brain and the spinal cord. This is the system that has the function of behaviour control. The peripheral nervous system has neurons which are located outside the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system has two systems i.e. the somantic nervous system (SNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). (Andrei 2008).

The somantic nervous system has the function of conveying of sensory information from the other sense organs up to the brains and to the spinal cord. It has neurons that relay motor instructions up to the body muscles. It also has the function of voluntary control of the movements of the body through skeletal body actions. It also has reception of the external stimuli which helps the body to be in a position to adapt to the surroundings e.g. hearing or sight. All its neurons are connected to the skin, body organs and the muscles. (Andrei 2008).

The autonomic nervous system on the other hand has the role of acting as the control system. It affects the heart rates, perspiration sexual arousal etc.Most of its actions are usually involuntary except some actions such as breathing which has a connection with the conscious mind. One is the sympathetic nervous system which contains the nerves which prepares the body to take action i.e. either fight or flight. It also has the parasympathetic nervous system which contains nerves which prepares the body to relax and store up energy. (Andrei 2008). So the Neuroantomical structures are responsible for response and coordination in the body.

Neuroantomical Structures


Andrei, I. (2008). Function neuro imaging: A clinical approach, Informa health care publishers.