Gender Inequality


Many people tend to think that the issue of gender inequality in the workplace has disappeared over time, that it is an issue that only existed in the early times. Today the issue is less manifested but research has shown that it still exists only that it is less apparent.

Gender isolation in occupations is one of the manifested forms of gender inequality in the working environment. Certain professions, for example the technical ones such as engineering are highly concentrated with the male gender, and females intensify in careers that are less demanding such as education. This disparity is sometimes attributed to the fact that males and females have different interests but this is usually not the case.

Wage gap is another issue that is manifested by gender inequality. Men tend to be enumerated at a higher than females even for positions that are the same. In a survey it was discovered that the occupations that are male dominated have on average a higher pay than female dominated fields. In matters such as promotion, it is also seen that men are always given the first priority. This leaves the women behind in their career ladders.

I have worked in a very large corporate as a desktop support technician. The organization is vast in culture and races but the working environment is dominated by men. Therefore, the aspects listed above about gender inequality are evident in my organization.

Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality And Social Identity

Social identity as explained in the theory by Henri Tajfel has four elements. Categorization which means that in this life we often find ourselves putting others and ourselves into groups; Identification, we correlate with certain groups to boost our self esteem; Comparison, we tend to compare ourselves and the groups we are in with those of others and Psychological Distinctiveness; which is a yearning to be unique in comparison to others (Fathali, 1994).

According to Tajfel, social identity refers to the behavior that is attributed to belonging to a certain group. It is different from personal identity which is involved with an individual’s character traits and interpersonal affiliations.

Social identity affects gender inequality in two aspects; sexual category group links and ideas of the social world. This approach suggests that the current state of gender-group associations and how individuals understand it are vital determinants of whether both sexes will work to maintain or change their ranks (UN, 1995).

Reactions to inequality will depend on one’s own gender-group associations and the alleged incidences, authenticity, and strength of chauvinism. Social identity gives individuals in various groups the sense of change where the gender inequality has been thought of as a thing of the past and that men and women are striving to become equal (Matthew, 2002).

Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality And Social Justice

Social justice is a concept that means having a society that has equality of opportunity and results; and that the system of governance and laws are on equality in matters of income distribution and progressive taxation.

The concept of social justice is based on human rights and equality. In an environment of social justice, gender inequality is inexistence. Laws and regulations are against the policies that cause gender inequality. Men and women are classified as equal parties and employment opportunities and other opportunities are given according to merit whether the candidate is a male or female.

Concepts that results in social injustice are inequity, prejudice, coercion, racism, divisions in classes, discriminations due to age and sexism (Fathali, 1994).

Gender Inequality And The Economy

In countries where women are deprived of equal access of social services, the overall economy is affected. Empowering women and improving their living conditions and making them equal to those of the men improve the overall long term development of a country in terms of development.

Gender Inequality

Closing the gap between men and women in matters that concern education increases the number of women who are literate and therefore the overall economic development of a country. Gender equality and women empowerment takes a huge step in reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth. Women are believed to have the potential to make decisions that are capable of moving an economy up the ladder. They have business capabilities and have exemplary leadership skills (UN, 1995).

Understanding the links between gender equality and economic growth

To understand the link between gender equality and economic growth the following should be taken into consideration. First, Increased gender equality in households, markets and society ensures that women have access to markets; they have access to education and health and they are engaged with more decision making responsibilities.

If women get access to markets and education, it results to increased labor productivity and earnings and again the decision making process is also centered to women. This intern improves the general wellbeing of children. When labor productivity and earnings for women is increased, women income is increased and thus results into increased expenditure into the economy. Extra amounts that are not spent are left for differential savings.

Improved child wellbeing also leads to better health attainment and productivity. Differential savings and better health productivity leads to future poverty reduction and increased economic growth. On the other hand, increased income and expenditure leads to reduction of current levels of poverty and increases the current economic level which in time improves the overall per capita income and the Gross National Product.

Gender Inequality


Terrell, K., (1992), ‘Female-male earning differentials and occupational structure’,

International Labor Review, Vol. 131, No 4-5, 1992

UN, (1995), The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics, Social Statistics and Indicators

Series K, No.12, United Nations, New York

Taylor, Donald; Moghaddam, Fathali (1994). "Social Identity Theory". Theories of Intergroup Relations: International Social Psychological Perspectives (2nd Ed.). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. pp. 80–1.

Charness, Gary; Rabin, Matthew (August 2002). "Understanding Social Preferences with Simple Tests". The Quarterly Journal of Economics (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).