Project based learning environment

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Statement of the problem

In project based learning the students are expected to keep track of the information communicated by the facilitator within the various forms, however this is not always the case as different students have different capacities of grasping information provided to them. This is a problem to many and has been one that has been ignored for long thus this research seeks to identify the various ways to ensure that the students are at par and that they all benefit from the project based learning. Thus the problem is how to ensure uniform learning and reception of information communicated to students.

Relation of the problem to the specialization

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The problem is mainly demonstrated by the subsequent tests carried on students after the learning projects; these tests are not specifically meant to determine the existence of the problem but are administered for other reasons such as ranking and as a feedback tool which is used to determine the effectiveness of the learning process. The problem stated is well traced at this point, where these tests identify that the fact that all students are not ranked at the same level thus the conclusion is that the reception level was not the same. The varying degree of reception is mainly a problem of the specialty in this sense the specialty fails in its structure of ensuring standardized study method which is directly translated into the performance of the student. Such is the relation between the specialty and the problem in that it is failure of the specialty that is directly attributable to the existence of the problem thus if proper guidelines for the specialty exist then the problem is bound to be curtailed. (Solomon 2007).

Background of the problem

The problem has been evident ever since the project based learning was introduced in our systems; many scholars have tried to get to the bottom of the matter with some making considerable efforts to help ensure that the problem is contained. However the success of the same has not been as evident though the current vigor in ensuring solutions are found seem to be offering a new sense of break through in providing a solution to the problem.

This research joins the pursuit of similar goals of providing a solution to the problem and it would be fair to examine the study done on similar studies by previous scholars. Traditionally the proponents of the project based learning thought that the method would ensure uniformity of study and a forum where the students would learn from each other and at the same time understand fully the postulates of their study areas by fully participating in the entire scope of the study. This scope of study involved the theoretical part which was orally administered by the facilitators and the practical part which students were encouraged to participate in. This provided the initial strength of this learning method however the method later on showed certain weaknesses which scholars have identified and tried to look at such as the ways of enhancing the study and how to get the students to fully participate in the program.

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This was some how achieved and the learning methods were enhanced and the students were motivated to participate in the learning process however it was never possible to ensure that the students were all getting the same information and that they were able to synthesize it. Most facilitators dismissed this as a biological undoing and that there was not much they could do to help it, but a study by (Markham 2002). Showed that people who demonstrate very low perception abilities should not be thought to have the same rate of information retention. Thus he concluded that the more these individuals are concentrated on and information is fully provided for them the better they become and retain this information. Thus studies demonstrate that individuals who may have problems in the perception stage they have a different ability when it comes to the synthesis stage.

Research questions

The research questions w ill be into two one meant for the students and the other meant for the facilitators.

Student’s questionnaire will have the following questions; these questions are aimed at identifying whether there are any measures to tackle the problem or at least whether the facilitators are aware of existence of the problem. (Boss 2008).

– How long have you been in project based learning program?

– Do you have an evaluation tests at the end of the program?

– Does your facilitator have a way to determine your reception levels? Incase there are the student should identify them.

– Incase of evaluation tests does the facilitator change their teaching methods?

– How long does it take you to feel fully oriented to the program?

– Is the facilitator concerned on your participation?

– Do the facilitators offer alternative lessons for students who rag behind in the programs?

Facilitator’s questions, these are meant to determine whether the facilitators identify any flaws with the current program.

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– How do you determine the reception of the students?

– Do you keep track of the student’s performance?

– Have you realized any problems with the current system? Incase they have identified any problems they should highlight the same.

– What are the actions you take to ensure that these problems are avoided?

– Have you sought professional advice on problems realized after analysis of students result?

Importance of the study

The study will among other things ensure that the project based learning environment is enhanced and that those students participating in it are all at par or at least the required measures are taken to ensure uniformity in delivery and attention on students on the bases of the ability of each.

The study will also provide a ground for subsequent researchers in determining how the project based learning would be improved. Also provide a starting point for those who may want to further exhaust the solutions to this problem with a deeper analysis than the one I will offer.

Topics in the Literature Review

– Identification and analysis of the problem statement

– Examination of literature in similar or related problems by past researchers or scholars

– Advantages of ensuring a working program

– Steps involved in ensuring a working system

– The steps taken in handling the problem

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Research methodology

In this chapter, the researcher has presented research design, target population, sample design and procedure, data collection instruments and procedure, data analysis and data representation.

Data Collection Tools

Primary Data Collection Tools

The process will involve data collection by means of an interview. The students and the facilitators will be interviewed. The questions will be both open ended and close ended. Close ended questions are structured in a way that the respondent will be provided with a list of responses from which to select an appropriate answer.

Secondary Data Collection Tools

Other information will be collected from project based learning information, brochures and any other books.

Data Analysis:

In this study, measures of central tendency will be used. These include the mean, mode and median. Frequency distribution and percentage distribution will also be used which involves

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counting the number of respondents who gave similar responses to a given question. Data received was edited, and errors and omissions were detected, and corrections made where possible. Coding of data collected will be done into ratings for easier derivation of results.


The study of the problem will involve a deeper examination of t he background information that may have dealt with the topic or at least touched on the issue of project based learning. This will be followed by literature analysis or review as may have been called in the course of postulating the research this will help understand the problem and ease the subsequent stages which are structuring of questionnaires, and the administration of the same to the required people. The final stages will involve analysis of the data collected through the questionnaires and presenting it in a way that would help formulate a solution for t he problem. Thus at the end of the research a proper and well researched solution will be formulated that will go a long way in improving the project based learning.


Boss, S, Krauss, J and Conery, L (2008). Reinventing Project-Based Learning: your field guide to real; world projects in the digital Age. International society for technology in education.

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Markham, T and Larner, J (2003). Project based learning Handbook: A guide to standards focused project based learning for middle and high school Teachers, Buck Inst for Education.

NETS Project (2002). Preparing Teachers to Use Technology. ISTE.

Solomon, G and Schrum, L (2007). Web2.0: New tools, New schools 1st edition, International Society for Technology in Education.