A few days ago

word win battels not wars…….comment?

word win battels not wars…….comment?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Goethe’s Ghostwriter

Favorite Answer

Pen is mightier than the sword (but not the vacuum bomb). Meaning it’s probable you can avoid or win small skirmishes with diplomacy but if you want real lasting change you’re going to have to fight (witness UK’s Chamberlain and non-aggression pact signed with Hitler and Stalin in 1938),

A few days ago
That would be “battles”. There is an old expression “They won the battle but lost the war.” It means partial and temporary success – sort of landing a blow two before you get knocked out.

4 years ago
wrestling the confinements attempting to pin the assumption hoping to experience the spark one 2d of weak spot however the fighter with in takes over and wont provide in to the pin a poet you’re your words touch the midsection and make me desire to combat for each little thing the spirit it particularly is interior in no way pass away it would be a lonely ring of defeat

A few days ago
Yes, what is battels?