A few days ago

Why isn’t why spelt Y. And why isn’t you spelt U.?

Spelling can be very hard but why isn’t the easiest words spelt the easiest way? –Spelling=disastrous

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Intellectual answer (Skip this if you like)

Language evolves from previous centuries. Our language comes from Europe and specifically from Latin, Greek, Old English, French, (which itself is based on Latin) and other languages that were in Europe in the prior centuries.

Now the Romans were in England in the 8th – 10th centuries. Old English languages were in Britain then, but the Romans, being conquerors, put their language into use as well, and over the years some words from each language were adopted by people, (like we say burrito, and enchilada (which are direct Spanish words).

Now the word “light” used to be said /li cht/ with a chchchc sound in the middle. Then the word got spelled /li ght/ so that the chchchc sound was there. then people got lazy or something and the chchch sound disappeared and we all kept the /ght/ spelling, even though we do not SAY that sound.

Silly really, but just how it is. We could do with an orthographic (means spelling) reform actually. But probably not in my lifetime. [Soon to be spelled /prolly/!]


A few days ago
Sharon Newman (YR) Must Die
You cannot use single letters for words except for I and A. The only way those above words would be spelled as letters is in a text message. πŸ˜‰

A few days ago
Because then that would make it too easy, and too weird. That’s why you can spell them that way in chatspeak.

A few days ago
cristelle R
same reason bee isn’t spelled b

and for canucks.. eh isn’t spelled a

o and don’t forget , if you drink too much tea( not t) you pee you don’t p


A few days ago
Because it looks weird that way.

A few days ago
Witchy Poo
bcuz in da ingleis lang-u-age, nuttin es ea ci. πŸ˜›

A few days ago
Just ‘cuz.