A few days ago

Why is there so much mystery and strange sayings pertaining to the cat?

Raining Cats and Dogs.

Cat got your tongue.

The whole nine lives thing.

Stealing your breath while you sleep.

Creeepy old ladies with lots of cats.

Can’t swing a cat.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this.”

The History of cats’ relationship with man is as old as civilization and stretches back over 9,500 years. Cats have figured in the history of many nations, are the subject of legend and are a favorite subject of artists and writers.

It is common lore that cats have nine lives. It is a tribute to their perceived durability, their occasional apparent lack of instinct for self-preservation, and their seeming ability to survive falls that would be fatal to other animals.

In the Scientology wedding ceremony the groom promises to buy the bride a cat, if she wants one


A few days ago
♪ Rachel ♫
There are lots of quotes about everything but I think that cats are particularly mysterious to us…and I some people find them almost enviable in that they save their energy most of the day while people run around and stress so much. Cats also seem so comfortable about themselves and indipendent and I think that these are areas that humans strive for in themselves. And there are creepy old ladies with lots of cats lol it’s possibly a bit of an addiction, keeping loads of cats, especcially if you are alone and dont get many visitors, and no children. no room to swing a cat is just a really weird nonsense quote I think. We enjoy figuring out cats, they are also funny and enternaining and a little bit mysterious, they reflect the great power and grace that the big cats have, something that again we may strive for.

A few days ago
ur right.. i wonder what that’s about too

there’s the black cat crossing your path thing…

and in every scary part in a move a cat just happens to jump out of nowhere…
