A few days ago

Why hasn’t the profanity/obscenity filter taken into account the curious words the brits use?

The English have been using “English” the longest and by far have more experience at speaking Americanese.

But why haven’t the profanity filters been able to blot out the casual obscenities that most any brit uses every day?

Its e’fing discrimination!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
bEiNg DiScIpLiNeD

Favorite Answer

Think about, just as you mentioned that ‘the English have been using “English” the longest and by far have more experience at speaking Americanese,’ it is the same reason that the profanity or obscene words can’t be blot out and the reason is simple. The filters and most computers are programmed using American English and their systems are designed to recognize profane or obscene ‘American English’ words rather than the Brits’ English. So by using their very own words, the computer doesn’t recognize them and in return can’t do anything about it. The other problem is that the Brits haven’t stepped up to the plate and design their very own filters which can deal with this matter. Seems to me that either they don’t care or have the time.

* I have to mention though that not all English individuals use words of obscenity or profanity. I’ve met and seen both sides and just like every country has let say paedophiles, terrorist, decent people, etc, every country has both good and bad or degenerate and disrespectful people. Or a country with a corrupt government doesn’t necessarily mean the country has corrupt citizens. So i have to say about fifty fifty are like that kind of like having good and bad days or sides to one person. Hope that helps, take care.


7 years ago
lol why hasn’t it taken in account the ones from SA, NZ, SG and many other “curious” places? Its like GPS maps. You need to upload the data first.

A few days ago
Like what? How about some examples?

I know & work with plenty of “Brits”, & I don’t know any of them to use “casual obscenities” on a daily basis.