A few days ago
Emily May 11/10/08 🙂

Who of you are guilty of saying o instead of 0?

I am, I try not to but still catch myself doing it every once in a while. How did that begin anyways? They are two different things one is a letter one is a number. Why dont we ever call o’s zero’s? like instead of saying oh my gosh! Say Zero my gosh! haha

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Guilty! It’s so hard to say zero and I think it sounds weird when people do because it’s so rare to hear someone say zero. It’s odd. I say just stick with “oh” lol!!

A few days ago
not me I say “oh” for O and “zero” for 0. I do get a lot of strange looks for doing so. I wonder why.

A few days ago
Monica O
I say “oh” almost all the time. My parents did and I got it from them. It doesn’t seem to be a problem as no one ever seems to have a problem understanding it.

A few days ago
King Of Utopia
I say o all the time isntead of zero, it’s easier to pronounce and I think it makes me look smarter.

A few days ago
I say zero! Yes, it is unpopular, let’s bring it back.

Like, would I say, “my name is spelled k-a-t-y-d-7-n-t” ?!


A few days ago
yeah i say o all the time