A few days ago

when should the word anti be pronounced as ‘an-“tI and ‘an-tE? Thank you?

for example

1) anti-Semitism

2) antivirus

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
S. Reign

Favorite Answer

To tell the truth, it doesn’t matter much. Pronouncing antivirus as ant’I’virus or ant’E’virus doesn’t change the meaning. I’ve heard it pronounced both ways. I’d just suggest you use which ever pronunciation of the prefix you feel most comfortable with, or which ever one sounds best/more intelligent to you. 9 times out of 10, whoever you’re talking to will know what you’re referring to, whether it’s ant’I’climactic or ant’E’climactic.

A few days ago
“anti” can be pronounced either antI or antE…however the prefix “ante” means before whereas “anti” means against…so the best would be to pronounce “anti” as antI.